Sažetak | Cilj
Cilj istraživanja je ispitati osobine ličnosti studenata studija sestrinstva potrebne za kvalitetno obavljanje profesionalnih zadataka u timskom radu. Utvrditi razlikuju li se medicinske sestre (Ž) od tehničara (M) u naglašenosti osobina te razlikuju li se studentice medicine (Ž) od studenata (M) u naglašenosti osobina. Utvrditi na temelju koje osobine svi ispitanici kreiraju lažnu sliku o sebi.
U istraživanju je korišten Big Five upitnik (12). Upitnik se koristi kako bi se napravila procjena pet velikih dimenzija ličnosti u okviru Peto faktorskog modela. Upitnik se koristi isključivo za testiranje osobe starijih od 16 godina. Big five upitnik se sastoji od pet velikih dimenzija: Energija (E), Ugodnost (U), Savjesnost (S), Emocionalna stabilnost (ES), Mentalna otvorenost (MO) ). Upitnik se sastoji od 132 čestice. Ispitanici su dužni izraziti stupanj slaganja na ljestvici od 1 do 5, gdje 1 označava u potpunosti netočno za mene a 5 označava u potpunosti točno za mene.
Studenti sestrinstva pokazuju vrlo nisku razinu energije, ugodnosti, savjesnosti, emocionalne stabilnosti, mentalne otvorenosti te time ne iskazuju osobine ličnosti potrebne za kvalitetno obavljanje profesionalnih zadataka u timskom radu. Postoji značajna razlika između studenata sestrinstva i studenata medicine u osobinama emocionalne stabilnosti i savjesnosti, dok u ostalim osobinama se ne nalazi značajne statističke razlike. Razina laganja odnosno kreiranja lažne slike o sebi nije se razlikovala među promatranim skupinama. U ispitivanju s obzirom na spol promatranih skupina razlike u energiji, savjesnosti, emocionalnoj stabilnosti, mentalnoj otvorenosti te laganju nije utvrđeno postojanje razlike. Veća razina ugodnosti je utvrđena među studenticama promatranih studija u odnosu na studente. Promatrajući studente sestrinstva nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u energiji, ugodnosti, savjesnosti, emocionalnoj stabilnosti, mentalnoj otvorenosti te laganju između studenata i studentica. Promatrajući studente medicine utvrđena je veća razina ugodnosti, emocionalne stabilnosti i savjesnosti kod studentica medicine u odnosu na studente medicine, dok u energiji, mentalnoj otvorenosti i laganju postojanje razlike nije uočeno.
Studenti sestrinstva nemaju posebno izražene potrebne osobine ličnosti za kvalitetno obavljanje profesionalnih zadataka u timskom radu. Postoje značajne razlike u osobinama ličnosti između studenata sestrinstva i medicine. Značajna razlika između studentica i studenata oba studija nalazi se u samo jednoj dimenziji – ugodnosti. Postoje značajne razlike u naglašenosti osobina između studenata i studentica medicine, dok među studenticama sestrinstva nisu utvrđene razlike. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Goal
The aim of the research is to examine the characteristics of student nursing students needed for quality performance of professional tasks in teamwork. To determine nurses (F) differ from technicians (M) in accentuated traits that differ from student medicine (F) from students (M) in accentuated traits. Determine on the basis of which traits all respondents create a false image of themselves.
The Big Five questionnaire was used in the study (12). The questionnaire is used to make an assessment of the five major dimensions of personality within the Fifth Factor Model. The questionnaire is used exclusively for testing a person over 16 years of age. The Big Five questionnaire consists of five major dimensions: Energy (E), Comfort (U), Conscientiousness (S), Emotional Stability (ES), Mental Openness (MO)). The questionnaire consists of 132 items. Respondents are required to express a degree of agreement on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicates completely incorrect for me and 5 indicates completely incorrect for me.
The results
Nursing students show a very low level of energy, comfort, conscientiousness, emotional stability, mental openness and thus do not show the personality traits necessary for quality performance of professional tasks in teamwork. There is a significant difference between nursing students and medical students in the traits of emotional stability and conscientiousness, while there are no significant statistical differences in other traits. The level of lying, in creating a false image of oneself, did not differ between the observed groups. In the study with regard to the gender of the observed groups, differences in energy, conscientiousness, emotional stability, mental openness and lying were not found to exist. A higher level of comfort was found among female students of the observed studies compared to male students. Observing nursing students, no statistically significant difference was found in energy, comfort, conscientiousness, emotional stability, mental openness, and lying between male and female students. Observing medical students, a higher level of comfort, emotional stability and conscientiousness was found in medical students compared to medical students, while in energy, mental openness and lying, the difference was not observed.
Nursing students do not possess the necessary personality traits for quality performance of professional tasks in teamwork. There are significant differences in personality traits between nursing and medical students. A significant difference between the students of both studies is in only one dimension - comfort. There are significant differences in the emphasis of traits between male and female medical students, while no differences were found among nursing students. |