Naslov Ispitivanje znanja i predrasuda prema depresivnim bolesnicima studenata sestrinstva Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija i studenata Filozofskog fakulteta
Autor Marija Alajbeg
Mentor Vesna Antičević (mentor)
Mentor Ana Ćurković (sumentor)
Član povjerenstva Vesna Antičević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Diana Aranza (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Mario Podrug (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Splitu (Sveučilišni odjel zdravstvenih studija) Split
Datum i država obrane 2019-09-30, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Kliničke medicinske znanosti
Sažetak Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je: ispitati razlike u znanjima i stavovima prema depresivnim bolesnicima između studenata sestrinstva SOZS-a i studenata Filozofskog fakulteta.
Metoda: Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju 2019. godine na studentima sestrinstva SOZS-a (N=34) i studentima Filozofskog fakulteta (N=43). Upitnik kojim su se ispitivali studenti imao je tri dijela. U prvom dijelu upitnika su se prikupljali podaci o dobi, spolu i studijskom smjeru ispitanika. Drugi dio upitnika je bila skala znanja o depresiji koja je osmišljena za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Skala se sastojala od 16 tvrdnji, od kojih je svaku bilo moguće označiti s točno ili netočno. Treći dio upitnika je bila skala predrasuda koja se sastojala od 28 tvrdnji.. Slaganje sa svakom pojedinom tvrdnjom studenti su označavali na pet-stupanjskoj skali Likertovog tipa.
Rezultati: Rezultati ukazuju na to da je veći postotak ženskog spola zastupljen i na studiju sestrinstva SOZS-a (94,1%) i na Filozofskom fakultetu (64,3%). Najveći udio studenata oba fakulteta je u dobi između 21-23 godine. U rezultatima drugog dijela upitnika, u kojem se istraživala razlika u znanju o deprsivnim bolesnicima kod studenata sestrinstva SOZS-a i studenata Filozofskog fakulteta, utvrđena je statistički značajna raslika na česticama 4 i 10. Da je čestica 4. Depresivni bolesnici su agresivni netočna znalo je 97,1% studenata sestrinstva OZS-a i 83,3% studenata Filozofskog faulteta. Da je čestica 10. Depresija može imati i psihotične elemente istinita je znalo 73,5% studenata sestrinstva SOZS-a, dok je 90,5% studenata Filozofskog fakulteta znalo da je ova tvrdnja točna. Također, utvrđene su i statistički značajne razlike u stupnju predrasuda kod studenata sestrinstva SOZS-a i studenata Filozofskog fakulteta na česticama: 1. S depresivnim bolesnikom bih samoinicijativno stupio u kontakt, 4. Prema depresivnim bolesnicima osjećam ljutnju, 11. Netko može biti depresivni bolesnik, a ujedno i dobar čovjek i 20. Depresivni bolesnici moraju doživotno piti lijekove. Samo na prvoj navedenoj čestici studenti sestrinstva SOZS-a su pokazali da imaju manje izražene predrasude od studenata Filozofskog fakulteta. Na ostalim navedenim česticama studenti Filozofskog fakulteta imaju manje izražene predrasude prema depresivnim bolesnicima od studenata sestrinstva SOZS-a.
Zaključci: U zaključcima našeg istraživanja možemo ustanoviti da studenti sestrinstva SOZS-a i stududenti Filozofskog fakulteta imaju visoku razinu znanja o depresivnim bolesnicima, međutim studenti sestrinstva nisu pokazali da imaju bolja znanja od studenata Filozofskog fakulteta. Isto tako, gledajući predrasude, studenti Filozofskog fakulteta su pokazali manju razinu predrasuda prema depresivnim bolesnicima u odnosu na studente sestrinstva SOZS-a. Zbog svega navedenog naša hipoteza da će studenti sestrinstva SOZS-a imati veća znanja i manje izražene predrasude prema depresivnim bolesnicima od studenata Filozofskog fakulteta je odbačena.
Sažetak (engleski) Aim: The main aim of this research is to: examine the differences in knowledge and attitudes, among nursing students at University Department of Health Studies and students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, towards depressive patients.
Method: The research has been conducted in April 2019 on nursing students at University Department of Health Studies (N=34) and students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (N=43). The questionnaire by which students were interviewed had three parts. In the first part of questionnaire, data about age, sex and study direction of the respondents was collected. The second part of the questionnaire was a knowledge scale about depression, designed for the purpose of this research. The scale consisted of 16 claims, each of which was possible to mark true or false. The third part of the questionnaire was prejudices scale which consisted of 28 claims. The students marked their agreement with each particular statement on a five-point Likert scale
Results: The results indicate that a higher percentage of the female gender is present both among the nursing students at University Department of Health Studies (91,4%) and on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (64,3%). The largest share of students of both faculties is between 21 and 23 years old. In the results of the second part of the questionnaire, which examined the difference in knowledge of nursing students at University Department of Health studies and students at Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences about depressive patients, a statistically significant difference on particles 4 and 10 was determined. 97,1% of nursing students at University Department of Health Studies and 83,3% of students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences knew that particle 4. Depressive patients are aggressive is incorrect. 73,5% of nursing students at University Department of Health Studies and 90,5% of students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences knew that particle 10. Depression can have psychotic elements too is true. Also, statistically significant differences in degree of prejudices among nursing students at University Department of Health Studies and students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were determined on the following particles: 1. I would make contact with a depressive patient on my own initiative, 11. Someone can be a depressive patient and a good man at the same time and 20. Depressive patients have to take medicines for lifetime. It is only on the first mentioned particle that the nursing students at University Department of Health Studies showed their less pronounced prejudices than the students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. On the others of the mentioned particles, students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences have less pronounced prejudices towards depressive patients than the nursing students at University Department of Health Studies.
Conclusions: In conclusions of our research we can determine that nursing students at University Department of Health Studies and students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences have high level of knowledge about depressive patients, but nursing students at University Department of Health Studies did not show that they have more knowledge than students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Equally, paying attention to the prejudices, students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences showed a lower level of prejudices towards depressive patients in comparison with nursing students at University Department of Health Studies. For all the above reasons, our hypothesis that nursing students at University Department of Health Studies will have greater knowledge and less pronounced prejudices towards depressive patients than students at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is rejected.
Ključne riječi
depresivni bolesnici
znanje o depresivnim bolesnicima
Ključne riječi (engleski)
depressive patients
knowledge about depressive patients
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:793752
Studijski program Naziv: Sestrinstvo Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: preddiplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2020-06-24 09:39:55