Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi probleme s kojima se roditelji susreću pri povratku kući.
Ispitanici: U istraživanju je bila uključena 51 ispitanica.
Metode: Podatci su prikupljeni pomoću ankete (upitnika).
Analiza podataka: Prikupljeni podatci su uneseni pomoću MS Office programa, te su analizirani i prikazani uz pomoć MS Excel-a.
Rezultati: Velika većina ispitanica je osjećala strah i/ili zabrinutost tijekom presvlačenja djeteta (pelene) 5,88%, toalete pupčanog batrljka 35,29%, promjene odjeće djeteta 1,96%, kupanja djeteta 17,65%, dojenja djeteta 25,49%, majčina prehrana i njen utjecaj na dijete 21,57%, majčina tjelesna aktivnost 7,84%, izlazak iz kuće s djetetom 5,88%, te seksualni odnosi 13,73% su izazvali te odnose. Sve su ispitanice, 100%, odgovorile da je majčino mlijeko najbolje za prehranu novorođenčeta. No, 15,69% ispitanica ne doji svoje dijete, od čega 9,80% navodi gubitak mlijeka, a 1,96% ispitanica navodi da ne doji jer im mlijeko nije bilo kvalitetno.
Zaključci: 92,16% ispitanica nije bolovalo od nikakve bolesti prije trudnoće. Najzastupljenije je hipotireoza s udjelom od 3,92%. Za vrijeme trudnoće 76,47% ispitanica nije bolovalo do neke bolesti, dok je 23,53% bolovalo od neke bolesti za vrijeme trudnoće. Najzastupljenije je hipotireoza i hipertenzija s udjelom od po 3,92%.78,43% ispitanica su uživale u trudnoći, 11,76% ispitanica povremeno je imalo iznimno jake strahove, mučnine i/ili povraćanja. 56,86% ispitanica nije osjećalo strah dok su skrbile za dijete, 37,25% je povremeno preispitivalo rade li sve kako treba, a 5,88% ispitanica se stalno preispitivalo i imaju još puno nejasnoća. Najzastupljeniji uzrok pojave straha s udjelom od 43,13% je toaleta pupčanog batrljka 35,29%. 84,31% ispitanica doji svoje dijete. Prosječan broj dana života djeteta u trenutku ispunjavanja ankete je 10 dana, prosječna sadašnja masa djeteta je 3595 g, a prosječna sadašnja dužina djeteta je 52 cm. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Goal: The main goal of this research was to determine with which problems are parents meeting when taking care of a newborn child after the homecoming.
Respondents: The research included 51 respondent. Data was collected through the polls (questionnaries).
Analyzes: The collected data was written in with the MS Office programe, and also analyzed and shown with the MS Excel programe.
Results: The majority of respondents were feeling fear and/or concern while changing baby (diapers) 5,88 %, toilets of umbilical stumped 35,29%, changing clothes of baby 1,96%, bathing baby 17,65 %, breast-feeding 25,49%, about mothers nutrition and her influence on baby 21,57%, mothers physical activity 7,84%, getting out of the house with baby 5,88% and sexual activity 13,73%, which were causing all these emotions. All of the respondents (100%) said that the breast milk is the best for the nutrition of the babies. But, 15,69% of respondents are not breast-feeding their baby from which 9,80% are inducing the loss of milk while 1,96% of respondents are inducing the bad quality of their milk.
Conclusions: 92,16% of respondents was not ill before their pregnancy. The most common disease was hypothyroidism with percentage of 3,92%. Through the pregnancy, 76,47% of respondents were not ill, while 23,53% of respondents were ill. The most common diseases were hypothyroidism and hypertension with percentage of 3,92% each. 78,43% of responedents were enjoying pregnancy, 11,76% of respondents were feeling fear,nausea and/or vomiting in certain occasions. 56,86% of respondents were not feeling fear when taking care of their child, 37,25% of responedents,in occasions, were questioning themeselve if they are doing everything right and 5,88% of respondents were always questioning themselve and still have uncertainties. The most common reason why they were feeling fear, with percentage of 43,13%, was because of the toilet of umbilical stumped with percentage of 35,29%. 84,31% of respondents are breast-feeding their child. The average age of the children in the moment of survey is 10 days, the average weight of the children was 3595 g and the average length of the children was 52 cm. |