Sažetak | Cilj rada bio je istražiti učestalost anemija kod stanovnika Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u razdoblju 2003.-2012. godine u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti i bolnički liječenih bolesnika kao i smrtnost po područjima/ispostavama NZJZ SDŽ. Posebna pozornost posvećena je anemijama zbog nedostatka Fe u dobi 65 i više godina u usporedbi s R.Hrvatskom.
Metoda: u radu se koristila retrospektivna komparativna epidemiološka metoda. Statistička obrada urađena je u programu Statistica 7. Korišteni su χ²-test i Studentov t-test.
Rezultati: u razdoblju 2003.-2012. u PZZ SDŽ najveći postotak korištenja PZZ zbog anemija uslijed manjka Fe imala su djeca dobi 0-6 godina 6,83% (95% CI 5,79-7,72), zatim djeca dobi 7-19 godina 4,45% (95% CI 3,82-4,93), u radno sposobnoj dobi 20-64 godina 4,05% (95% CI 3,59-4,64) i najmanji postotak najstarija dob 65 i više godina 3,31% (95% CI 3,03-3,59). Ovi udjeli po dobi za oba spola mogu se smatrati procijenjenom dobnom prevalencijom anemija zbog manjka Fe koja za sve dobi u SDŽ iznosi 4,21% (95% CI 3,99-4,47).
Iz bolničkih otpusta utvrđena je spolno-dobna razdioba po kojoj veće stope hospitalizacija imaju žene u germintivnoj dobi i za sve dobi dok muškarci imaju veće stope bolničkog pobola u najranijoj i najstarijoj dobi. Kod svih dobi između RH i SDŽ nema statističkih značajnosti razlika, dok u dobi 65 i više godina SDŽ ima veće prosječne stope otpusta za oba spola. Prisutni su trendovi porasta stopa hospitalizacija kod žena i za oba spola dok su kod muškaraca u padu. Smrtnost od anemija je izuzetno rijetka međutim posljednjih nekoliko godina zamjećuje se trend porasta kako za anemije zbog nedostatka Fe tako i za anemije zbog manjka vitamina B12. Analiza bolničkog pobola po ispostavama NZJZ pokazuje da Grad Split ima veće stope otpusta od županijskog prosjeka za oba spola u dobi 65 i više godina (257,72/100.000), a statistički značajno najmanje stope otpusta imao je Grad Hvar (125,76/100.000). Kod ženskg spola dobi 65+ većina ispostava/područja ima trendove porasta bolničkih otpusta osim kod žena na otocima i Ispostavi Omiš.
Zaključak: ukupno stanje pobola od anemija zbog nedostatka Fe kod svih dobi i u dobi 65 i više godina u razdoblju 2003.-2012. godina u SDŽ i njezinim područjima može se ocijeniti povoljnim. Po stopama pobola i smrtnosti SDŽ je kao i R. Hrvatska u sredini europskh zemalja s obolježjima razvijenih zemalja. Međutim, zbog prisutnih trendova porasta pobola i smrtnosti, poglavito kod žena, a koja je još uvijek izuzetno rijetka, potrebno bi bilo istražiti stvarnu prevalenciju anemija kod stanovnika dobi 65 i više godina. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of anemia among the inhabitants of Split-Dalmatia county from 2003rd to 2012th in primary care and hospitalized patients as well as mortality by regions / offices Split-Dalmatian County. Special attention was paid to anemia due to iron deficiency aged 65 and over compared with R.Hrvatskom.
Methods: We used a retrospective comparative epidemiological methods. Statistical analysis was performed in Statistica program 7th were used χ²-test and Student's t-test.
Results: In the period 2003rd to 2012th PHC SDŽ highest percentage use of PHC due to anemia due to iron deficiency had children aged 0-6 years 6.83% (95% CI 5.79 to 7.72), followed by children aged 7-19 years 4.45% (95 % CI 3.82 to 4.93), the working age from 20 to 64 years 4.05% (95% CI 3.59 to 4.64) and the smallest percentage of the oldest age 65 years and above 3.31% (95 % CI 3.03 to 3.59). These shares by age for both sexes can be considered as the estimated age prevalence of anemia due to iron deficiency, which for all ages in SDŽ amounts to 4.21% (95% CI 3.99 to 4.47). From hospital discharge was determined sex-age distribution at which higher rates of hospitalization have women in germintivnoj ages and for all ages, while men have higher rates of hospital morbidity at the earliest and oldest age group. For all ages between Croatia and SDŽ no statistical significance of differences, while aged 65 and over SDŽ has a higher average rate of discharge for both sexes. Present trends are the increase in hospitalization rates among women and for both sexes, while males in the fall. The mortality rate of anemia is extremely rare, however, the last few years we can observe an increasing trend in both the anemia due to iron deficiency and anemia due to lack of vitamin B12. Analysis of hospital morbidity in the offices of Split-Dalmatian city of Split shows that a higher rate of discharge than the county average for both sexes aged 65 years and over (257.72 / 100 000), a statistically significant minimum rate of discharge had the town of Hvar (125,76 / 100,000 ). In ženskg sexes aged 65 + most office / area has a trend of increasingly hospital discharge except for women on the islands and Branch Omis.
Conclusion: The total balance incidence of anemia due to iron deficiency at all ages and at age 65 years and over a period 2003rd to 2012th years in SDŽ and its areas can be assessed as favorable. At rates of morbidity and mortality SDŽ is like R. Croatia in the middle europskh countries obolježje developed countries. However, the present trend of increasing morbidity and mortality, particularly in women, which is still extremely rare, it is necessary to examine whether the actual prevalence of anemia among the population aged 65 and over. |