Sažetak | Cilj
Cilj istraživanja je usporedba stavova medicinskih sestara i liječnika prema smrti i njihovih načina sučeljavanja sa smrću po sociodemografskim obilježjima te utvrditi postoji li potreba za dodatnom edukacijom o sučeljavanju sa smrću.
U istraživanju su se koristili anketni upitnici. Sastojali su se od sociodemografskih obilježja i pitanja o značenju smrti pod nazivom „Death attitude profile revised (DAP - R)“, Wong PTP & Reker GT (1991).
Razina straha prema smrti je za 0,12 bodova veća u skupini medicinskih sestara (AS±SD; 3,93±1,33). Najveći strah od smrti je utvrđen kod ispitanika starosne dobi veće od 60 godina. Kod izbjegavanja smrti značajne razlike su se pokazale kod medicinskih sestara koje imaju za 0,64 boda veću razinu izbjegavanja smrti, te je utvrđeno postojanje razlike (t=4,97; p<0,001). Izbjegavanje smrti je imalo najveću vrijednost kod medicinskih sestara srednje stručne spreme. Neutralno prihvaćanje je imalo najveće vrijednosti kod doktora znanosti. Prihvaćanje pristupa je za 0,74 boda veće kod medicinskih sestara u odnosu na liječnike, te je utvrđeno postojanje razlike (t=5,64; p<0,001). Prihvaćanje pristupa je najveće kod ispitanika koji nikad nisu imali susret sa smrću na radnom mjestu. Najveća razina prihvaćanja pristupa je utvrđena kod ispitanika s obrazovanjem prvostupnica. Bijeg prihvaćanje je veće za 0,42 boda kod medicinskih sestara u odnosu na liječnike, te je utvrđeno postojanje razlike (t=3,38; p=0,001). Bijeg prihvaćanje je imalo najveću vrijednost kod ispitanika sa srednjom stručnom spremom. 2,64 puta je više medicinskih sestara koje smatraju da je u njihovoj ustanovi potrebno organizirati seminare/tečajeve o sučeljavanju sa smrću. 2,43 puta je više liječnika koji smatraju da je u njihovoj ustanovi potrebno organizirati seminare/tečajeve o sučeljavanju sa smrću. Medicinske sestre koje imaju iskustvo pohađanja tečaja su bilježile za 0,64 boda manju razinu izbjegavanja smrti u odnosu na ispitane medicinske sestre koje nisu imale navedeno iskustvo, te je utvrđeno postojanje razlike (t=3,27; p=0,001).
Medicinske sestre i liječnici smatraju da je potrebna edukacija o sučeljavanju sa smrti, a to potvrđuje i da educirane medicinske sestre manje izbjegavaju smrt. U odnosu suočavanja sa smrću medicinske sestre srednje stručne spreme i prvostupnice imaju pozitivne mehanizme suočavanja sa smrću, a te iste mehanizme su pokazali i muški ispitanici i liječnici doktori znanosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Goal
The aim of the research is to compare the attitudes of nurses and doctors towards death and their ways of dealing with death by socio - demographic characteristics. Determine if there is a need for additional education on coping with death.
Survey questionnaires were used in the research. They consisted of sociodemographic characteristics and questions about the meaning of death; entitled Death attitude profile revised (DAP – R), Wong PTP & Reker GT (1991).
The results
The level of fear of death was 0.12 points higher in the group of nurses (AS ± SD; 3.93 ± 1.33). The greatest fear of death was found in respondents older than 60 years. In avoidance of death, significant differences were shown in nurses who have a higher level of death avoidance by 0.64 points, the existence of a difference was found (t = 4.97; p <0.001). Avoiding death was of the greatest value to nurses of secondary education. Neutral acceptance had the greatest value among doctors of science. Acceptance of the approach was 0.74 points higher in nurses compared to physicians, and a stable difference was found (t = 5.64; p <0.001). Acceptance of the approach is greatest among respondents who have never encountered death in the workplace. The highest level of acceptance of the approach was found in respondents with a bachelor's degree. Escape acceptance increased by 0.42 points in nurses compared to physicians, and a difference was found (t = 3.38; p = 0.001). Escape acceptance had the greatest value among respondents with secondary education. There are 2.64 times more nurses who think that it is necessary to organize seminars/courses in their institution. There are 2.43 times more doctors who think that it is necessary to organize seminars/courses on dealing with death in their institution. Nurses with experience of attending the course recorded a 0.64 point lower level of death avoidance compared to the examined nurses who did not have the stated experience, and the existence of a difference was determined (t = 3.27; p = 0.001).
Nurses and doctors believe that education on coping with death is needed, and this is confirmed by the fact that educated nurses have less to avoid death. In terms of dealing with death, nurses with secondary education and bachelors have positive mechanisms for dealing with death, and the same has been shown by male respondents and doctors of science. |