Sažetak | CILJEVI: Ciljevi rada bili su: prikazati antropometrijske karakteristike (tjelesna težina i tjelesna visina) studenata zdravstvenih studija, ispitati učestalost negativnih zdravstvenih ponašanja (konzumiranje, alkohola, cigareta i kave) studenata zdravstvenih studija i ispitati prognostički značaj osobina ličnosti i tjelesne aktivnosti razinama izraženosti depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa kod studenata 3. godine preddiplomskih studija.
METODE: Mjerni instrumenti bili su: upitnik općih podataka koji je sadržavao sociodemografska obilježja, podatke o tjelesnoj masi, visini i BMI indeks te pitanja o životnim navikama (konzumiranje alkohola i cigareta); Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS); BFI upitnik; Međunarodni upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti (IPAQ).
REZULTATI: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako osobina ličnosti neuroticizam ima utjecaj na pojavu depresivnosti (t=4,48; p<0,001), anksioznosti (t=4,31; p<0,001) i stresa (t=5,35; p< 0,001). Osobina ličnosti otvorenost prema iskustvima doprinosi većem stresu studenata. Sjedeći način života utječe na pojavu anksioznosti (t=2,31; p=0,024). Za 0,29 bodova je veća razina depresivnosti kod nepušača u odnosu na pušače (p>0,05). Kod studenata koji ne konzumiraju alkohol veća je razina depresivnosti za 0,61 bod (t=0,81; p=0,209), anksioznosti za 1,48 bod (t=1,63; p=0,053) i stresa za 1,21 bod (t=1,19; p=0,120) u odnosu na studente koji ne konzumiraju alkohol. Kod ispitanih studenata koji ne piju kavu veća je razina depresivnosti (za 0,84 boda), anksioznosti (za 1,13 bodova) i stresa (za 1,11 bodova) u odnosu na studente koji konzumiraju kavu (p>0,05).
ZAKLJUČAK: Prema dobivenim rezultatima možemo zaključiti da neuroticizam i tjelesna neaktivnost utječu na pojavu anksioznosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | AIMS: The aims of the present study were to present the anthropometric characteristics (body weight and height) of the students of the health studies, to examine the frequency of negative health behaviors (alcohol, cigarettes and coffee consumptions) and to examine the predictive significance of personality traits and physical activity to depression, anxiety and stress in 3rd year undergraduate students.
METHODS: The measuring instruments were as follows: a general data questionnaire containing sociodemographic characteristics, data on body weight, height and BMI index, and questions on life habits (alcohol and cigarette consumption); Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS); BFI questionnaire; International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).
RESULTS: The results of the research indicated that personality trait Neuroticism had an influence on the occurrence of depression (t = 4.48; p <0.001), anxiety (t = 4.31; p <0.001) and stress (t = 5.35; p <0.001). Personality trait Openness to experiences contributed to higher student stress. A sedentary lifestyle affected the occurrence of anxiety (t = 2.31; p = 0.024). The level of depression in non-smokers was 0.29 points higher than in smokers (p> 0.05). Students who do not consume alcohol had a higher level of depression by 0.61 points (t = 0.81; p = 0.209), anxiety by 1.48 points (t = 1.63; p = 0.053) and stress by 1.21. point (t = 1.19; p = 0.120) in relation to students who do not consume alcohol. The students who do not drink coffee had a higher level of depression (by 0.84 points), anxiety (by 1.13 points) and stress (by 1.11 points) compared to students who consume coffee (p> 0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: According to the obtained results, we can conclude that Neuroticism and physical inactivity affect the occurrence of anxiety while Openness to experiences contributed to higher stress in students. |