Sažetak | Ciljevi: Provedeno istraživanje imalo je sljedeće ciljeve: a) ispitati razlike u peritraumatskom distresu za vrijeme pandemije (subjektivnoj dobrobiti, funkcionalnosti, psihičkim problemima i rizičnim ponašanjima) između stanovnika koji su bili izloženi potresima u Zagrebu i stanovnika koji nisu bili izloženi potresima i b) ispitati mogućnost predviđanja intenziteta peritraumatskog distresa s obzirom na dob, spol, radni status i izloženost potresima.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno online tijekom ožujka i travnja 2020. godine za vrijeme prvog vala koronavirusne pandemije i potresa u Zagrebu. U istraživanju se koristi primarni izvor podataka i to anketni upitnik proveden među 1234 ispitanika od toga preko 300 koji su bili izloženi potresima.
Rezultati: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da su ispitanici koji su bili istodobno izloženi pandemiji COVID-19 izloženi i potresima su postizali više rezultate na skalama psihičkih problema (t=3,384; p=0,001) i višim razinama peritraumatskog stresa (t=3,29; p=0,001) u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu bili izloženi potresima. Utvrđeno je da je ženski spol povezan s nižim razinama peritraumatskog stresa (β=3,79; p<0,001), manjom psihološkom dobrobiti (β =0,11; p<0,001) i višim razinama psihičkih problema (β =0,15; p=0,016). Također su više psihičkih problema imale osobe koje nisu imale radnih obveza (β =0,31; p<0,001), dok su osobe koje su bile u radnom odnosu imale više razine funkcionalnosti (β =0,06; p=0,005) i manje rizičnih ponašanja (β =-0,07, p<0.005). Starija životna dob je bila povezana s manjim stupnjevima psihičkih problema, ali i s većim brojem rizičnih ponašanja. Izloženost potresu ukazuje na negativan utjecaj na razinu peritraumatskog stresa (β =2,87; p<0,001) i više psiholoških problema (β =0,23; p<0,001)
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali kako je potres koji se u Zagrebu dogodio istodobno s vrhuncem COVID-19 pandemije značajno utjecao na povećanje psihološkog distresa i na doživljaj psihičkih problema u većoj mjeri nego u dijelovima u kojima se potres nije osjetio. Kao rizični čimbenici identificirani su istovremena izloženost potresima i pandemiji, ženski spol i nezaposlenost, dok životna dob ima dvostruku učinak: stariji ljudi su iskazivali manje psihičkih problema, ali i više rizičnih ponašanja. Zaposlenost u situacijama izloženosti multiplim stresorima djeluje kao zaštitni čimbenik mentalnog zdravlja, poglavito u smislu smanjenog broja psihičkih smetnji, bolje funkcionalnosti i manje rizičnih ponašanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: The conducted research had the following objectives: a) to examine differences in peritraumatic distress during the pandemic (subjective well-being, functionality, psychological problems and risky behaviors) between residents who were exposed to earthquakes in Zagreb and residents who were not exposed to earthquakes and b) to examine the possibility of prediction intensity of peritraumatic distress with regard to age, sex, work status and exposure to earthquakes.
Methods: The research was conducted online during March and April 2020 during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic and the earthquake in Zagreb. The research uses a primary source of data, namely a questionnaire conducted among 1,234 respondents, of which over 300 were exposed to earthquakes.
Results: The results of this study showed that subjects who were simultaneously exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic and were exposed to earthquakes scored higher on scales of psychological problems (t=3,384; p=0,001) and higher levels of peritraumatic stress (t=3,29; p=0,001) compared to subjects who were not exposed to earthquakes. Female gender was found to be associated with lower levels of peritraumatic stress (β=3,79; p<0,001), lower psychological well-being (β =0,11; p<0,001), and higher levels of psychological problems (β =0,15; p=0,016). Also, people who had no work commitments had more psychological problems (β =0,31; p<0,001), while people who were employed had higher levels of functionality (β =0,06; p=0,005) and fewer risky behaviors (β =-0,07, p<0.005). Older age was associated with lower levels of psychological problems, but also with a greater number of risky behaviors. Exposure to earthquakes showed a negative effect to the levels of peritraumatic stress (β =2,87; p<0,001) and more psychological problems (β =0,23; p<0,001).
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the earthquake that occurred in Zagreb at the same time as the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on the increase in psychological distress and the experience of psychological problems to a greater extent than in parts of the country where the earthquake was not felt. Simultaneous exposure to earthquakes and pandemics, female gender and unemployment were identified as risk factors for mental health, while age had a double effect: older people showed fewer psychological problems, but also more risky behaviors. Employment in situations of exposure to multiple stressors acted as a protective factor for mental health, mainly in terms of reduced number of psychological disorders, better functionality and less risky behavior. |