Sažetak | Cilj:. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su utvrditi najčešće predrasude prema psihijatrijskim bolesnicima studenata sestrinstva treće godine koji program prate pri Sveučilišnom odjelu zdravstvenih studija te ispitati dovodi li edukacija studenata sestrinstva do smanjenja predrasuda prema psihičkim bolesnicima. Hipoteza istraživanja: nakon provedene formalne edukacije o zdravstvenoj njezi psihičkih bolesnika studenata 3. godine preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva koji obrazovni program prate pri Sveučilišnom odjelu zdravstvenih studija u Splitu imat će pozitivne stavove prema psihijatrijskim bolesnicima u odnosu na stavove istih studenata prije provođenja edukacije.
Metode: Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavaju studenti sestrinstva 3. godine preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Splitu, N=39. Istraživanje je provedeno na Sveučilišnom odjelu zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Splitu u prosincu 2014. godine. Za istraživanje su korišteni originalni upitnici za prikupljanje sociodemografskih karakteristika ispitanika te odgovori na pitanja o iskustvu s ljudima oboljelima od psihičkih bolestima te je ponuđeno šesnaest tvrdnji koje se odnose na stavove ispitanika prema oboljelima od psihijatrijskih bolesti i poremećaja, za koje ispitanici trebaju procijeniti u kojoj se mjeri s njima slažu na Likertovoj ljestvici od 1 do 5. Upitnik s tvrdnjama ispitanici ispisuju na prvom satu teoretske nastave iz kolegija „Zdravstvene njege psihijatrijskih bolesnika“, te na zadnjem satu nakon održane teorijske i kliničke nastave nastave iz kolegija „Zdravstvene njege psihijatrijskih bolesnika“. Za analizu podataka korišten je program SPSS 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Za podatke o uzorku prikazane su frekvencije i postotci. Za rezultate na skali stavova prema osobama oboljelim od psihičkih bolesti i poremećaja prikazane su aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije te postotci ispitanika koji su dali pojedini odgovor za svaku tvrdnju. Ove mjere centralne tendencije upotrijebljene su kako bi omogućile preciznije razlikovanje odgovora ispitanika. Rezultat na skali stavova prema osobama oboljelim od psihičkih bolesti i poremećaja formiran je kao suma odgovora na pojedinim česticama na način da veći rezultat označava negativniji stav prema osobama oboljelim od psihičkih bolesti i poremećaja. Normalitet distribucija provjeren je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom te kako se pokazalo da obje distribucije oblikom odstupaju od normalne, za analizu razlika u stavu u različitim mjerenjima upotrijebljen je Wilcoxonov test kao neparametrijska alternativa t-testu za zavisne uzorke i pripadajući indeks veličine efekta prema formuli r=Z/√2N.
Rezultati: Provedene analize pokazuju kako su čestice kod kojih se pojavio najviši rezultat u prvom mjerenju su: „Ljudi s poremećajima svijesti (delirijum, katatonija...) nisu svjesni događanja okolo sebe“ (3,87± 0,7), „Najčešće se glumi PTSP“ (3,77± 1,1) te „Ljudi s ovisnostima (droge, kocka, alkohol) su sami krivi za svoje stanje i probleme“(3,41±1,0). Ispitanici najveće slaganje u procjeni iskazuju za tvrdnje „Ljudi s poremećajima svijesti (delirijum, katatonija...) nisu svjesni događanja okolo sebe.“ (SD=0,7), „Psihički bolesnici su slabići, sami su krivi za svoju bolest“ (SD=0,74) te „Psihički bolesnici su opasni za okolinu, agresivni su“ (SD=0,78). Najmanje slaganje u procjenama dobiveno je za tvrdnje „Psihičke bolesti su neizlječive“ (SD=1,25), „Psihički bolesnici su nesposobni za samostalan život“ (SD=1,24) te „Voljela/o bih više bolovati od maligne bolesti nego od psihičke“ (SD=1,23). U drugom mjerenju tvrdnje s najvišim rezultatom su „Najčešće se glumi PTSP“ (3,64± 1,3), „Voljela/o bih više bolovati od maligne bolesti nego od psihičke“ (3,31±1,1) te „Psihički bolesnici su opasni sami za sebe“ (3,28± 0,7). Ispitanici su se najviše slagali u procjenama kod tvrdnji „Psihički bolesnici su slabići, sami su krivi za svoju bolest.“ (SD=0,16), „Depresivna osoba je luda osoba“ (SD=0,6) te „Svaki shizofreni bolesnik je opasan“ (SD=0,64). Tvrdnje kod kojih je dobivena najveća razlika između prvog i drugog mjerenja, odnosno kod kojih je najveća promjena stava su „Ljudi s ovisnostima (droge, kocka, alkohol) su sami krivi za svoje stanje i probleme“ (ΔM=1,28), „Psihički bolesnici su opasni za okolinu, agresivni su“ (ΔM=1,28) te „Veliki broj ljudi glumi psihičke bolesti“ (ΔM=1,28). Rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u rezultatima prvog i drugog mjerenja stavova prema osobama oboljelima od psihičkih bolesti i poremećaja (p<0,05). Pokazuje se da je došlo do umjerenog smanjenja negativnog stava kod studenata sestrinstva nakon odslušane nastave na kolegiju „Zdravstvena njega psihijatrijskih bolesnika“.
Zaključci: Provedene analize pokazuju: čestice kod kojih se pojavio najviši rezultat u prvom mjerenju su: „Ljudi s poremećajima svijesti (delirijum, katatonija...) nisu svjesni događanja okolo sebe“, „Najčešće se glumi PTSP“ te „Ljudi s ovisnostima (droge, kocka, alkohol) su sami krivi za svoje stanje i probleme“. U drugom mjerenju tvrdnje s najvišim rezultatom su „Najčešće se glumi PTSP“, „Voljela/o bih više bolovati od maligne bolesti nego od psihičke“ te „Psihički bolesnici su opasni sami za sebe“. Tvrdnje kod kojih je dobivena najveća razlika između prvog i drugog mjerenja, odnosno kod kojih je najveća promjena stava su „Ljudi s ovisnostima (droge, kocka, alkohol) su sami krivi za svoje stanje i probleme“ (ΔM=1,28), „Psihički bolesnici su opasni za okolinu, agresivni su“ (ΔM=1,28) te „Veliki broj ljudi glumi psihičke bolesti“ (ΔM=1,28). Rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u rezultatima prvog i drugog mjerenja stavova prema osobama oboljelima od psihičkih bolesti i poremećaja (p<0,05). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je došlo do umjerenog smanjenja negativnog stava kod studenata sestrinstva nakon odslušane nastave na kolegiju „Zdravstvena njega psihijatrijskih bolesnika“. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aim: To determine the most common type of discrimination against psychiatric patients of the third year students of Nursing enrolled at the University Department of Health Studies and examine whether student education reduce discrimination against the mentally ill patients.
Research Hypothesis: After completion of formal education on nursing care of psychiatric patients the third year undergraduate nursing students at the University Department of Health Studies, University of Split will have positive attitudes towards psychiatric patients compared to the same students’ attitudes before the implementation of education.
Methods: The sample consisted of the third year undergraduate nursing students at the University Department of Health Studies, University of Split, N = 39. The study was conducted at the University Department of Health Studies, University of Split in December, 2014. It used the original questionnaire to collect sociodemographic characteristics of the subjects and questions about experience with people suffering from mental illness and sixteen statements related to attitudes toward people suffering from psychiatric diseases and disorders were offered to the subjects to assess their degree of agreement with each statement on the 5 point Likert scale.The students filled in the questionnaire with statements during the first hour of theoretical instruction for the course "Nursing care of psychiatric patients" and during the last hour following the theoretical and clinical instruction for the course "Nursing care of psychiatric patients". SPSS 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) program was used for the statistical analysis. Sample data are shown in frequencies and percentages. The results on a scale of attitudes towards people suffering from mental illnesses and disorders were interpreted by arithmetic means and standard deviations and the percentages of answers for each statement were shown. The measures of central tendency were used in order to deliver more precise differentiation of answers. The result on the scale of attitudes toward people suffering from mental illnesses and disorders was formed as the sum of responses to the individual items in a way that higher score indicates more negative attitude towards people suffering from mental illnesses and disorders. Normality was tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and it showed that both distributions deviate from normal in shape, Wilcoxon test was used as a nonparametric alternative to the paired samples t-test and the related effect size index according to the formula r=Z/√2N for the analysis of the difference in attitude in different measurements.
Results: The analyses show that items with the highest scores in the first measurement were: "People with disorders of consciousness (delirium, catatonia ...) are not aware of events around them" (3.87± 0,7), „PTSD is most often played“(3.77± 1,1) and "People with addictions (drugs, gambling, alcohol) have themselves to blame for their situation and problems" (3.41±1,0). Subjects indicated the greatest degree of agreement in evaluating statements "People with disorders of consciousness (delirium, catatonia ...) are not aware of events around them." (SD=0,7), "Mental patients are weak, they have themselves to blame for their disease" (SD=0.74) and "Mentally ill are dangerous to the environment, they are aggressive" (SD=0.78). The least degree of agreement in evaluating was indicated for statements "Mental illnesses are incurable" (SD=1.25), "Mental patients are incompetent" (SD=1.24), and "I would rather suffer from malignant disease than psychic" (SD=1.23). In the second measurement the statements with highest score were "PTSD is most often played" (3.64±1,3), " I would rather suffer from malignant disease than psychic " (3.31± 1,1) and "Mentally ill are dangerous to themselves"(3.28±0,7). Subjects indicated the greatest degree of agreement in evaluating statements "Mental patients are weak, they have themselves to blame for their disease“(SD=0.16), "A depressed person is a crazy person" (SD=0.6), and "Every schizophrenic patient is dangerous" (SD=0.64). The biggest difference between the first and second measurements i.e. where the biggest change in attitude occured, were obtained for statements "People with addictions (drugs, gambling, alcohol) have themselves to blame for their situation and problems" (ΔM=1.28), "Mentally ill are dangerous to the environment, they are aggressive "(ΔM=1.28) and "A large number of people pretend to have a mental illness"(ΔM=1.28). The results showed statistically significant difference in the results of the first and second measurements in attitudes toward people suffering from mental illnesses and disorders (p <0.05). They showed a modest decrease in negative attitudes in students of Nursing after completing the course "Health care of psychiatric patients."
Conclusions: Items with the highest scores in the first measurement were: "People with disorders of consciousness (delirium, catatonia ...) are not aware of events around them", „PTSD is most often played“ and “People with addictions (drugs, gambling, alcohol) have themselves to blame for their situation and problems“. In the second measurement statements with highest score were "PTSD is most often played“, "I would rather suffer from malignant disease than psychic“ and “Mentally ill are dangerous to themselves". The biggest difference between the first and second measurements i.e. where the biggest change in attitude occured, was shown in the statements " People with addictions (drugs, gambling, alcohol) have themselves to blame for their situation and problems ", “Mentally ill are dangerous to the environment, they are aggressive" and "A large number of people pretend to have a mental illness". The results showed a statistically significant difference in the results of the first and second measurements in attitudes toward people suffering from mental illnesses and disorders. The results showed a modest decrease in negative attitudes among the students of Nursing after completing the course "Nursing care of psychiatric patients." |