Sažetak | Herpes simpleks virus (HSV) je infekcija koja uzrokuje herpes. Herpes se može pojaviti na različitim dijelovima tijela, najčešće na genitalijama ili ustima. Postoje dvije vrste virusa herpes simpleks. HSV-1, također poznat kao oralni herpes, može izazvati mjehuriće i plikove oko usta i na licu. HSV-2 je uglavnom odgovoran za izbijanje genitalnog herpesa. Virus herpes simpleks je zarazan virus koji se može prenijeti s osobe na osobu putem izravnog kontakta. Djeca će često dobiti HSV-1 od ranog kontakta sa zaraženim odraslim osobama. Oni će od tada nositi virus ostatak svog života. Virus se širi brže kada je zaražena osoba u fazi prodroma virusa. Osim toga, moguće je da se genitalni herpes dobije od HSV-1, ako je osoba imala mjehure i seksualne aktivnosti u tom razdoblju. HSV-2 se dobiva kroz oblike seksualnog kontakta sa osobom koja ima HSV-2. Većina ljudi se zarazi HSV-1 od zaražene osobe koja nema simptome, ili nema mjehure. Svatko može biti zaražen HSV, bez obzira na dob. Rizik je određen gotovo u cijelosti na temelju izlaganja infekciji. U slučajevima spolno prenosivih HSV, ljudi su više u opasnosti kad sudjeluju u rizičnom seksualnom ponašanju bez korištenja zaštite(kondomi). Ostali faktori rizika za HSV-2 su: imaju više seksualnih partnera, ženski spol, imaju druge spolno prenosive infekcije, imaju oslabljen imunološki sustav. Ako majka ima genitalni herpes u vrijeme porođaja, može izlagati bebu objema vrstama HSV, i na taj način se riskiraju daljnje opasne komplikacije.
Važno je razumjeti da iako netko nema vidljive rane ili simptome, oni još uvijek mogu biti zaraženi od strane virusa i mogu prenijeti virus na druge. Neki od simptoma povezanih s virusom su mjehurići (u ustima ili na genitalijama), bol tijekom mokrenja (genitalni herpes), svrbež. Možda ćete primijetiti mnoge simptome koji su slični gripi. Ovi simptomi mogu uključiti groznicu, otečene limfne čvorove, glavobolju, umor i nedostatak apetita. HSV se također može proširiti na oči, uzrokujući stanje koje se naziva herpes keratitis.
Ova vrsta virusa se obično dijagnosticira fizikalnim pregledom. Liječnik može zatražiti HSV testiranje, za potvrdu dijagnoze ako imate mjehuriće na genitalijama. Krvni testovi traže antitijela na HSV-1 i HSV-2 i također se mogu koristiti za dijagnosticiranje ove infekcije. To je osobito korisno kada nema prisutnih rana.
Trenutno ne postoji lijek za ovaj virus. Liječenje se temelji na sprječavanju nastanka mjehurića i plikova te sprečavanjem prodroma. Liječnik može odrediti da li je potrebno jedan ili više od sljedećih lijekova: aciklovir, famciklovir, valaciklovir. Ovi lijekovi mogu pomoći inficiranim osobama da se smanji rizik od širenja virusa na druge ljude. Lijekovi će također smanjivati intenzitet i učestalost izbijanja. Ljudi koji su inficirani HSV će nositi virus za ostatak svog života. Čak i ako je virus u mirovanju, izbijanja mogu pokrenuti određeni podražaji, kao što su: stres, menstruacija, povišena tjelesna temperatura, izlaganje suncu ili opekline. Iako ne postoji lijek za herpes, možete poduzeti mjere opreza kako bi se izbjegle zaraze, ili kako bi se spriječilo širenje HSV na drugu osobu. Ako imate HSV-1, treba izbjeći izravan fizički kontakt s drugim ljudima. Ne bi se smijeli dijeliti predmeti koji mogu prenijeti virus kao što su šalice, ručnici, odjeća, šminka, ili balzam za usne. Liječnici također preporučuju da zaražene osobe ne prakticiraju oralni seks, ljubljenje, ili bilo koju drugu vrstu seksualne aktivnosti za vrijeme infekcije.
Herpes zoster
Herpes zoster je infekcija izazvana virusom varicella-zoster. Primarna infekcija ovim virusom uzrokuje vodene kozice (varicella). U tom trenutku virus zarazi živce (ganglije dorzalnog korijena) gdje ostaje latentan godinama. Nakon dugo godina se može aktivirati i uzrokovati crvenilo sa mjehurima nad distribucijom zahvaćenog živca u pratnji često intenzivne boli i svrbeža. Herpes zoster je češći s povećanjem starosti. Cijepljenje protiv herpes zostera se preporučuje za sve odrasle starije od 60 godina da se spriječi ili smanjiti ozbiljnost budućih epizoda ovog bolnog stanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is an infection that causes herpes. Herpes can appear in various parts of the body, most commonly on the genitals or mouth. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus. HSV-1, also known as oral herpes, can cause cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth and on the face. HSV-2 is generally responsible for genital herpes outbreaks. The herpes simplex virus is a contagious virus that can be passed from person to person through direct contact. Children will often contract HSV-1 from early contact with an infected adult. They then carry the virus with them for the rest of their life. The virus spreads more quickly when an infected person is experiencing an outbreak. Additionally, it is possible to get genital herpes from HSV-1 if the individual has had cold sores and performed sexual activities during that time. HSV-2 is contracted through forms of sexual contact with a person who has HSV-2. Most people get HSV-1 from an infected person who is asymptomatic, or does not have sores. Anyone can be infected with HSV, regardless of age. Your risk is determined almost entirely based on exposure to the infection. In cases of sexually transmitted HSV, people are more at risk when they participate in risky sexual behavior without the use of protection, such as condoms. Other risk factors for HSV-2 include: having multiple sex partners, being female, having another sexually transmitted infection (STI), having a weakened immune system.
If a mother is having an outbreak of genital herpes at the time of childbirth, it can expose the baby to both types of HSV, and may put them at risk for serious complications.
It is important to understand that although someone may not have visible sores or symptoms, they may still be infected by the virus and may transmit the virus to others. Some of the symptoms associated with this virus include blistering sores (in the mouth or on the genitals), pain during urination (genital herpes), itching.You may experience many symptoms that are similar to the flu. These symptoms can include fever, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, tiredness, and lack of appetite. HSV can also spread to the eyes, causing a condition called herpes keratitis.
This type of virus is generally diagnosed with a physical exam. Your doctor may also request HSV testing, also known as a herpes culture, to confirm the diagnosis if you have sores on your genitals. Blood tests looking for antibodies to HSV-1 and HSV-2 may also be used as diagnostic tool of these infections. This is especially helpful when there are no sores present.
There is currently no cure for this virus. Treatment focuses on getting rid of sores and limiting outbreaks. your doctor may determine that you need one or more of the following medications: acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir. These medications can help infected individuals reduce the risk of spreading the virus to other people. The medications also help to alleviate the intensity and frequency of outbreaks. People who become infected with HSV will have the virus for the rest of their lives. Even if a virus is dormant, an outbreak can be triggered by certain stimuli, such as: stress, menstrual periods, fever or illness, sun exposure or sunburn. Although there is no cure for herpes, you can take precautionary measures to avoid becoming infected, or to prevent spreading HSV to another person. If you are experiencing an outbreak of HSV-1, try to avoid direct physical contact with other people. Do not share any items that can pass the virus around, such as cups, towels, silverware, clothing, makeup, or lip balm. Doctors also recommend that infected individuals should not participate in oral sex, kissing, or any other type of sexual activity, during an outbreak.
Herpes zoster
The culprit is the varicella-zoster virus. Primary infection with this virus causeschickenpox (varicella). At this time the virus infects nerves (namely, the dorsal root ganglia) where it remains latent (lies low) for years. It can then be reactivated to cause shingles with blisters over the distribution of the affected nerve accompanied by often intense pain anditching. Herpes zoster is more frequent with increasing age. Vaccination against herpes zoster is recommended for all adults age 60 and older to prevent or decrease the severity of future episodes of this painful condition. |