Sažetak | Ciljevi. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi razlike u psihološkom distresu, vrstama stresora na radu i razinama sagorijevanja između medicinskih sestara koje rade s djecom i onih koje rade sa odraslim pacijentima i ispitati mogućnost predviđanja razina sagorijevanja temeljem podskupina stresora zasebno kod medicinskih sestara koje rade s djecom i onih koje rade s odraslim pacijentima. Dodatno, ovim istraživanjem željeli smo ispitati razlike u psihološkom distresu, podskupinama stresora i razinama sagorijevanja između medicinskih sestara koje su bile izložene izravnom i višednevnom radu sa zaraženim pacijentima i medicinskih sestara koje nisu bile izložene radu sa zaraženim pacijentima.
Metode. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 123 medicinske sestre oba spola koje su zaposlenici različitih odjela KBC-a Split. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene sljedeće skupine ispitanika: prva skupina zaposlenici Klinike za dječje bolesti (16 ispitanika) i Klinike za dječju kirurgiju (14 ispitanika). Drugu skupinu su sačinjavali zaposlenici Klinike za urologiju (33 ispitanika), Klinike za infektologiju (30 ispitanika) i Klinike za onkologiju (40 ispitanika). Korišteni su sljedeći upitnici: Upitnik intenziteta sagorijevanja na poslu, Stres na radnom mjestu bolničkih zdravstvenih djelatnika i Upitnik općih podataka.
Rezultati. Srednja vrijednost podskale Problemi je za 0,40 bodova veća kod ispitanih djelatnika koji su radili sa djecom u odnosu na djelatnike koji rade sa odraslima (t=1,83; p=0,001). Prosječna razina osobine Ekstraverzije manja je kod ispitanih djelatnika koji rade s djecom u odnosu na djelatnike koji rade s odraslima (t=4,52; p<0,001). Ukupan doživljaj stresa na poslu također je veći kod ispitanih djelatnika koji rade sa djecom (t=3,77; p<0,001). Kod medicinskih sestara koje rade s djecom također je veća razina sagorijevanja na poslu (t=1,81; p=0,036). Statistički značajan utjecaj na intenzitet sagorijevanja na poslu medicinskih sestra koje rade s djecom je utvrđen za stresor opasnosti i štetnosti na poslu (β=0,08; p=0,011), te stresnost profesionalnih i intelektualnih zahtjeva (β=0,07; p=0,033). Kod medicinskih sestara koje rade sa odraslima razinu sagorijevanja na poslu predviđaju sukobi i loša komunikacija na poslu (β=0,10; p=0,001) te problemi s organizacijom i financijama (β=0,14; p=0,001).
Kod ispitanih djelatnika koji nisu imali doticaj s COVID pacijentima u odnosu na ispitane djelatnike koji su imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima utvrđena je veća razina psihičkih problema (t=2,39; p=0,018).
Viša prosječna razina izraženosti stresa na poslu utvrđena je kod medicinskih sestara koje nisu imale doticaj sa pacijentima oboljelim od COVID-19 bolesti u sljedećim područjima: području organizacije i financija (t=2,05; p=0,042), javne kritika i sudskih tužbi (t=4,27; p=0,015), opasnosti i stresnosti na poslu (t=3,33 p=0,001) te doživljaja stresa zbog sukoba i loše komunikacije na poslu (t=2,85; p=0,005).
Smjenski rad izaziva veći osjećaj stresa za 12,91 bodova među djelatnicima koji su imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima u odnosu na djelatnike koji nisu imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima (t=3,09; p=0,002).
Ukupan doživljaj stresa na poslu je veći kod djelatnika koji nisu imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima u odnosu na ispitane djelatnike koji su imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima (t=2,17; p=0,032). Konačno, veća je razina intenziteta sagorijevanja na poslu kod djelatnika koji su imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima u odnosu na ispitane djelatnike koji su nisu imali doticaj sa COVID pacijentima (t=0,63; p=0,531).
Zaključak. Medicinske sestre koje rade s djecom imaju viši ukupan doživljaj stresa na poslu, viši stupanj sagorijevanja na poslu i više psihičkih problema u odnosu na medicinske sestre koje rade sa odraslim pacijentima. Od početka pandemije, medicinske sestre koje su radile sa pacijentima oboljelim od SARS-Cov-2 imale su više razine sagorijevanja na poslu, te manji ukupan doživljaj stresau odnosu na medicinske sestre koje nisu imale doticaj sa pacijentima oboljelim od SARS-Cov-2. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aims. The objectives of this study were to determine differences in psychological distress, types of stressors at work and burnout levels between nurses working with children and those working with adult patients and to examine the possibility of predicting burnout levels based on subgroups of stressors separately in nurses working with children and those who work with adult patients. Additionally, in this research, we wanted to examine differences in psychological distress, stress subgroups, and burnout levels between nurses who were exposed to direct and multi-day work with infected patients and nurses who were not exposed to work with infected patients.
Methods. The study involved 123 nurses of both sexes who are employees of different departments of the Clinical Hospital Centre Split. The research included the following groups of respondents: the first group of employees of the Clinic for Pediatric Diseases (16 respondents) and the Clinic for Pediatric Surgery (14 respondents). The second group consisted of employees of the Clinic of Urology (33 subjects), the Clinic of Infectious Diseases (30 subjects) and the Clinic of Oncology (40 subjects). The following questionnaires were used: Workplace Burnout Intensity Questionnaire, Hospital Healthcare Workplace Stress, and General data questionnaire.
Results. The mean value of the Problems subscale is 0.40 points higher in the surveyed employees who worked with children compared to the employees who worked with adults (t = 1.83; p = 0.001). The average level of the Extraversion trait was lower in the examined employees working with children compared to the employees working with adults (t = 4.52; p <0.001). The overall experience of stress at work is also higher in the surveyed employees who work with children (t = 3.77; p <0.001). Nurses working with children also have a higher rate of burnout at work (t = 1.81; p = 0.036). A statistically significant impact on the intensity of burnout at work of nurses working with children was found for stressors Danger and harm at work (β = 0.08; p = 0.011), and Professional and intellectual requirements (β = 0.07; p = 0.033). In nurses working with adults, the level of burnout at work is predicted by Conflicts and poor communication at work (β = 0.10; p = 0.001) and Problems with organization and finances (β = 0.14; p = 0.001).
A higher level of psychological problems was found in the examined employees who did not have contact with COVID patients compared to the examined employees who had contact with COVID patients (t = 2.39; p = 0.018). A higher average level of stress at work was found in nurses who did not have contact with patients with COVID-19 disease in the following areas: Organization and finance (t = 2.05; p = 0.042), Public criticism and lawsuits t = 4.27; p = 0.015), Hazards and stress at work (t = 3.33 p = 0.001) and Experiences of stress due to conflict and poor communication at work (t = 2.85; p = 0.005). Shift work causes a higher feeling of stress among employees who had contact with COVID patients compared to employees who did not have contact with COVID patients (t = 3.09; p = 0.002). The overall experience of stress at work was higher in employees who did not have contact with COVID patients compared to the surveyed employees who had contact in COVID patients (t = 2.17; p = 0.032). Finally, the level of Burnout intensity at work was higher in employees who had contact with COVID patients compared to the employees who did not have contact with COVID patients (t = 0.63; p = 0.531).
Conclusion. Nurses who work with children have a higher overall experience of stress at work, a higher rate of burnout at work, and more mental health problems compared to nurses who work with adult patients. Since the beginning of the pandemic, nurses who have worked with patients with SARS-Cov-2 have had higher levels of burnout at work, and a lower overall experience of stress compared to nurses who have not had contact with patients with SARS-Cov-2. |