Title Kreativno ponašanje i sklonost sanjarenju kod studenata: jesu li sanjari kreativniji?
Author Dušanka Šimleša
Mentor Vesna Antičević (mentor)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Marendić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Ciljevi: Ciljevi rada bili su ispitati razlike u kreativnom ponašanju, samoprocjeni kreativnosti i dnevnom
sanjarenju između studenata na Sveučilišnom odjelu zdravstvenih studija i studenata Filozofskog
fakulteta u Splitu, te ispitati mogućnost predviđanja kreativnog ponašanja na osnovi vrste studija,
poticanja kreativnosti, dnevnog sanjarenja i otvorenosti prema iskustvima.
Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovao 121 student sa Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija i
Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. Istraživanje se provodilo metodom anketiranja tijekom siječnja 2020.
Mjerni instrumenti koji su korišteni za dokazivanje hipoteza i specifičnih ciljeva jesu validirani anketni
upitnici, odnosno Upitnik općih podataka, Upitnik neprilagođenog dnevnog sanjarenja, Upitnik
kreativnog ponašanja, Pitanja o poticanju kreativnog ponašanja, Upitnik samoprocjene kreativnosti i
Upitnik otvorenosti. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da među ispitanicima ne postoji razlika u spolu i dobi
prema fakultetu koji studenti pohađaju.
Rezultati: Provođenjem ankete pokazalo se da studenti Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu imaju više razine
kreativnog ponašanja, više samoprocjene kreativnosti i više dnevnog sanjarenja od studenata Sveučilišnog
odjela zdravstvenih studija te da pripadnost studiju Filozofskog fakulteta, više razine dnevnog sanjarenja,
veća otvorenost prema iskustvima i poticanje kreativnosti predviđaju više razine kreativnog ponašanja.
Zaključci: Kreativno ponašanje i sklonost sanjarenju kod studenata povezana je s fakultetom koji
studenti pohađaju, pa su studenti ovisno o zahtjevima svoje profesije manje ili više skloni pragmatičnijem
pristupu životu, a samim time i manje, odnosno više sanjare te su posljedično, manje ili više kreativni.
Tako se kod studenata koji imaju više razine kreativnog ponašanja, više samoprocjene kreativnosti, više
dnevnog sanjarenja i veću otvorenost iskustvima predviđa viša razina kreativnog ponašanja. Provedeno
istraživanje je jedinstveno te bi rezultati istraživanja mogli unaprijediti spoznaje o sklonosti sanjarenju
kod studenata te povezanosti sanjarenja i kreativnog ponašanja. Međutim, nedostatak je istraživanja što je
ono ograničeno samo na studente i što su ispitanici homogeni prema dobi, što bi moglo utjecati na
rezultate istraživanja. Osim toga, korištenje samoprocjenskih upitnika može utjecati na objektivnost
Abstract (english) Aims: The aims of this paper were to examine differences in creative behavior, self-assessment of
creativity and daydreaming between students of the University Department of Health Studies and students
of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split, and to examine the possibility of predicting
creative behavior based on study type.
Methods: Altogether 121 students partcipated in this study, of which 80 were the students of the
University Department of Health Studies and 41 were the students of the Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences. The research was conducted by the survey method during January 2020. The measuring
instruments used to prove the hypotheses and specific objectives are the validated survey questionnaires
as follows: the General Data Questionnaire, the Maladaptive Daydreaming Questionnaire, the Creative
Behavior Questionnaire, the Creative Behavior Questions, the Creativity Self-Assessment Questionnaire
and the Openness Questionnaire.
Resultates: The research found that there was no gender and age differences among the respondents
according to the faculty that students attend. The results showed that students of the Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences had higher levels of creative behavior, higher self-assessment of
creativity and more daydreaming compared to students of the University Department of Health Studies.
Furher, encouriging creativity by authorities predicted higher levels of creative behavior.
Conclusiones: Creative behavior and a tendency to daydream in students was associated with the faculty
that students attend, so students were more or less inclined to a more pragmatic approach to life, and thus
less or more daydreamers, and consequently, more or less creative in daily life. Thus, for students who
have higher levels of creative behavior, higher self-assessment of creativity, more daily daydreaming and
greater openness to experiences, a higher level of creative behavior has been predicted. The conducted
research is unique and the results of the research could improve the knowledge about the tendency of
daydreaming in students and the association between daydreaming and creative behavior. However, the
limitation of the research is that it is limited to students and that the respondents are homogenous by age,
which could affect the results of the research. In addition, the use of self-assessment questionnaires can
also affect the objectivity of the respondents.
Keywords: creative behavior, daydreaming, student
kreativno ponašanje
sklonost sanjarenju
Keywords (english)
54 pages
1 figure
9 tables
2 supplements
50 references
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:021110
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-17 08:57:13