Title Razlozi smještaja u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb domova za starije osobe
Author Marina Sušac
Mentor Nada Tomasović Mrčela (mentor)
Committee member Nada Tomasović Mrčela (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Marendić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2023-03-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad je izrađen u okviru znanstvenog institucijskog projekta Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija u Splitu pod nazivom „Samoprocijenjena potreba starijih osoba za uslugama gerontoloških centara (izvaninstitucijske skrbi) u Splitu“ i čini II. dio predmetnog projekta (SOZS-IP-2020-5). U ovom radu cilj je istražiti koji su to prioritetni razlozi smještaja osoba starijih od 65 godina u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb doma za starije osobe.
Metode i ispitanici: Prema Službenoj listi čekanja za smještaj u Dom za starije i nemoćne osobe u Splitu, Vukovarska, u listopadu 2021. godine, telefonskim anketiranjem se provodilo istraživanje uz osiguranu anonimnost osoba. Uključena je svaka druga osoba u dobi od 65 i više godina s predmetne liste, kojoj je ponuđeno sudjelovanje u istraživanju. Za potrebe istraživanja korišten je Indeks po Barthelovoj skali modificiran prema Shah S., Vanclay F. i Cooper B. Upotrebljeni su i upitnik o socio-demografskim obilježjima starijih osoba i upitnik o razlozima smještaja u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb doma za starije osobe.
Rezultati i rasprava: Rezultat istraživanja je pokazao da je ispitanicima (N=182) prioritetni razlog smještaja u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb doma za starije osobe, „bolest“ s prosječnim brojem bodova 1,63 (SD 1.07), drugi razlog rangiran po važnosti za smještaj u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb je „potreba za zdravstvenom njegom“ s prosječnim brojem bodova 1,18, (SD 1.03), te „obitelj“ koja ne može pružiti primjerenu i potrebnu skrb s prosječnim brojem bodova 1,17 (SD 1.28). Prema istraživanju najvećem broju ispitanika pomoć pružaju članovi obitelji (n=122; 67,03%) koji na taj način postaju neformalni njegovatelji. Ispitivanjem je utvrđena povezanost između razine razloga smještaja u dom za starije osobe i razloga smještaja (χ2=26,26; P<0,001) s najčešćim razlogom bolesti.
Zaključak: Temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanje potvrđuje se značaj pružanja zdravstvenih usluga u domovima za starije osobe jer su prema samoprocjeni starijih osoba najviše rangirani razlozi za smještaj u dugotrajnu institucijsku skrb upravo „bolest“ i „potreba za zdravstvenom njegom“. Takvi rezultati istraživanja impliciraju na potrebne promjene u kadrovskim normama i normativima u domovima za starije osobe, neophodnost učinkovite povezanosti institucijske i izvaninstitucijske skrbi za osobe starije dobi te koordinacije unutar nužnog multidisciplinarnog gerontološkog tima.
Abstract (english) Introduction: This graduate thesis was created within the scientific institutional project of the University Department of Health Studies in Split entitled "Self-assessed need of elderly people for services of gerontological centers (non-institutional care) in Split" and constitutes the 2nd part of the mentioned project (SOZS-IP-2020-5). The aim of this paper is to investigate what are the main reasons that people over the age of 65 decide to apply for a long-term institutional care at a nursing home.
Methods and subjects: Methods and subjects: The research was conducted by phone survey with the anonymity of the persons ensured. The source of contact was official waiting list for accommodation in the Nursing home in Split, location Vukovarska, dating October 2021. Every other person aged 65 and over from the subject list who was offered participation in the research was included. For the purposes of the research, we used the Barthel scale index modified according to Shah S., Vanclay F. and Cooper B. as well as questionnaires on the socio-demographic characteristics and the reasons for applying for a long-term institutional care at a nursing home.
Results and discussion: The results of the research showed that the main reason for applying for long-term institutional care at a home for the elderly is "illness" (N=182) with an average number of points of 1.63 (SD 1.07), while the second reason ranked in importance is "need for health care" with an average umber of points 1.18, (SD 1.03). The third reason is "family" that cannot provide adequate and necessary care with an average number of points 1.17 (SD 1.28). According to the research, the largest number of respondents are being helped by family members (n=122; 67.03%), where family members become their informal caregivers. The analysis established an association between the level of reason for applying to a nursing home and the reason for applying (χ2=26.26; P<0.001) with the most common reason being the illness.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this research, we can confirm the importance of providing health services in homes for the elderly, because according to the self-assessment of the elderly, the highest ranked reasons for applying for long-term institutional care are precisely "illness" and "need for health care". Such research results imply the necessary changes in personnel norms and standards in nursing homes, the necessity of effective connection of institutional and non-institutional care for the elderly, and coordination within the necessary multidisciplinary gerontological team.
dugotrajna institucijska skrb
gerontološko-javnozdravstveni pokazatelji
samoprocijenjeni razlozi smještaja u dom za starije osobe
starije osobe
Keywords (english)
long-term institutional care
gerontological public health indicators
self-assessed reasons for applying to a nursing home
elderly people
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:695245
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-03-20 08:25:41