Title Sestrinska skrb pacijenata s port kateterom
Title (english) Nursing care od a patients with a port catheter
Author Sara Miolin
Mentor Gabrijela Tenžera (mentor)
Committee member Mario Marendić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Aranza (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gabrijela Tenžera (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Centralni venski kateteri se koriste u svakodnevnoj praksi i znatno olakšavaju liječenje i skrb posebice kod onkoloških pacijenata. Ovi uređaji osiguravaju direktan vaskularni pristup za primjenu intravenozne terapije, kemoterapije, imunoterapije, potpune parenteralne prehrane, krvnih pripravaka te se koriste i za redovito uzorkovanje krvi. Najzastupljeniji među njima su CVK (centralni venski kateter), PICC kateteri (periferni intravenski kateteri) te port kateteri (port-a-cath). Postavljanje CVK odvija se u operacijskoj dvorani pod vodstvom ultrazvuka. Kirurg ili interventni radiolog postavlja kateter u za to predviđena mjesta koja predstavljaju unutarnja jugularna vena (lat. vena jugularis interna), femoralna (lat. vena femoralis) i subklavijalna vena (lat. vena subclavia). Port kateter vrsta je CVK koja ne sadrži vanjski dio već je potpuno implantiran pod kožu, sastoji se od lumena i porta na koje je spojen kateter kojeg čini tanka, savitljiva cijev uvučena u veliku venu iznad desne strane srca koja se naziva gornja šuplja vena. Implantirani port priključak može se postaviti na prsa ili nadlakticu ovisno o odluci kirurga i individualnom pristupu pacijentu, a najčešće vene za uvođenje port kateter čine subklavijalne, unutarnje jugularne i brahijalne vene ili vene podlaktice. Port kateter zbog svojih prednosti i manjoj mogućnosti nastanka komplikacija u usporedbi s drugim CVK kao i dužem roku trajanja sve je češći izbor u skrbi pacijenata posebice onih koji zahtijevaju velike količine intravenozne terapije, potpune parenteralne prehrane te kod onkoloških pacijenata kod kojih je potrebna primjena kemoterapije. Medicinska sestra je uz pacijenta prije samog postavljanja port katetera pa sve do otpusta pacijenta kući, te je prva koja rukuje i administrira lijekove putem postavljenog katetera, zato je iznimno važno da posjeduje potrebne vještine i znanja o skrbi ovih pacijenata. Sestra svojom empatijom, dobrom komunikacijom i strpljenjem stvara ugodnu i sigurnu okolinu za pacijenta i time razvija odnos temeljen na povjerenju i međusobnom poštovanju. Također, medicinska sestra educira pacijenta i njegovu obitelj o skrbi port katetera prije i nakon njegovog postavljanja te stalnim praćenjem pacijenta tijekom njegovog boravka u bolnici prevenira nastanak mogućih komplikacija.
Abstract (english) Central venous catheters are used in everyday practice and significantly facilitate treatment and care, especially in oncology patients. These devices provide direct vascular access for the application of intravenous therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, complete parenteral nutrition, blood products and are also used for regular blood sampling. The most common among them are CVK (central venous catheter), PICC catheters (peripheral intravenous catheters) and port catheters (port-a-cath). CVK placement takes place in the operating theater under ultrasound guidance. The surgeon or interventional radiologist places the catheter in the designated places representing the internal jugular vein (lat. vena jugularis interna), femoral (lat. vena femoralis) and subclavian vein (lat. vena subclavia). A port catheter is a type of CVK that does not contain an external part but is completely implanted under the skin, consisting of a lumen and a port to which a catheter is connected, consisting of a thin, flexible tube inserted into a large vein above the right side of the heart, called the superior vena cava. The implanted port connection can be placed on the chest or upper arm depending on the decision of the surgeon and the individual approach to the patient, and the most common veins for introducing the port catheter are the subclavian, internal jugular and brachial veins or forearm veins. Due to it advantages and the lower possibility of complications compared to other CVKs, the port catheter is an increasingly common choice in the care of patients, especially those who require large amounts of intravenous therapy, complete parenteral nutrition, and in oncology patients who require the use of chemotherapy. The nurse is with the patient before the placement of the port catheter until the patient is discharged home, and is the first to handle and administer drugs through the catheter, so it is extremely important that she has the necessary skills and knowledge about the care of these patients. The nurse educates the patient and his family before and after the port catheter is placed, and by monitoring and caring for the patient during his stay in the hospital, she prevents possible complications.
intravenozna terapija
port kateter
Keywords (english)
intravenous therapy
port catheter
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:602726
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study Programme of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-09-19 10:41:37