Title Hitni medicinski transport helikopterom u Splitsko dalmatinskoj županiji
Title (english) Emergency medical transportation by helicopter in Split-dalmatia county
Author Damir Rožić
Mentor Matea Dolić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Buljubašić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti udio hitnog medicinskog transporta helikopterom na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije u 2014. godini te vodeće medicinske uzroke organiziranja medicinskog transporta helikopterom.
Metode: Temeljno je istraživanje provedeno retrogradno. Podatci za istraživanje preuzeti su iz protokola prijavno-dojavne jedinice Zavoda za hitnu medicinu SDŽ-a iz 2014. godine. Donja i gornja dobna granica za sudjelovanje u istraživanju nije postavljena. U istraživanju su korišteni podatci iz 226 medicinskih transporta helikopterom. Uporaba podataka o hitnom medicinskom transportu helikopterom u SDŽ-u od 1. 1. 2014 do 31. 12. 2014. godine, odobrena je od ravnatelja Zavoda za hitnu medicinu Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Upotrijebljeni su sljedeći podatci: broj letova, prosječno vrijeme leta helikopterom u odlasku i povratku, spol ljudi koji su transportirani helikopterom, medicinske indikacije – dijagnoze za transport, mjesto intervencije, ishodi pružanja medicinske pomoći. Za obradu podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika.
Rezultati: U 2014. godini na području SDŽ-a obavljeno je 226 medicinskih transporta helikopterom pri čemu je transportirano 239 bolesnih/ozlijeđenih ljudi. Glavni razlozi organiziranja pružanja hitne medicinske pomoći i transporta helikopterom bile su kronične nezarazne bolesti, ozljede i prometne nesreće. Ukupno 61,5 % medicinskih letova obavljeno je s otoka Hvara, dok je najmanji broj letova obavljen s otoka Šolte i Visa. Raspon prosječnog vremena od polijetanja do dolaska na mjesto intervencije iznosio je od 13,2 do 18,3 minute, a od mjesta intervencije do dolaska na helidrom između 15,1 do 20,1 minutu. Ukupno vrijeme od trenutka ozljede/bolesti do dolaska na bolnički prijam iznosi od 50 do 120 minuta. Čak 99,1 % unesrećenih dovedeni su živi i predani timu HMP-a koji ih je odveo do KBC Split, dok su 0,9 % unesrećenih preminuli u toku transporta helikopterom.
Zaključci: Na području SDŽ-a u 2014. godini obavljeno je 226 medicinskih transporta pri čemu je transportirano 239 bolesnih/ozlijeđenih ljudi. Vodeći razlozi organiziranja medicinskog transporta helikopterom bile su kronične nezarazne bolesti, ozljede i prometne nesreće.
Abstract (english) Introduction and Aim: The research aims to explore the proportions of emergency medical helicopter service in Split and Dalmatia County in 2014 as well as the main medical causes required for organizing emergency medical transportation by helicopter.
Material and methods: The basic research was conducted retrospectively and it is based on data acquired from the Institute of Emergency Medicine of Split and Dalmatia County Call Center protocol for 2014. The lower and the upper age limit for participation in the research was not established. The data collected from 239 medical transportation by helicopter were used in this study. The usage of the data regarding emergency medical transport by helicopter in Split and Dalmatia County from January 1st 2014 until December 31st 2014 was approved by the Director of Institute of Emergency Medicine of Split and Dalmatia County. The following data were used: number of flights, gender of persons who were transported by helicopter, medical indications – diagnosis for transport, the location of intervention, results of providing medical assistance. The data were processed using descriptive statistics.
Results: In 2014 in Split and Dalmatia County there were 226 medical transportation by helicopter, during which 239 ill or injured persons were transported. The main reasons for providing emergency medical assistance and helicopter service were chronic non-infectious diseases, injuries and traffic accidents. 61,5 % of all medical flights were performed from the Island of Hvar, while the smallest number of flights were performed from the Islands of Šolta and Vis. The average time span from the takeoff to the arrival at the intervention site ranged from 13,2 to 18,3 minutes, and from the intervention site to the University Hospital Center Split heliport ranged from 15,1 to 20,1 minutes. The total time needed for the transport of an ill/injured person from the moment in which an accident or illness occurred to the hospital amounted to 50-120 minutes. As much as 99,1 % of the injured were brought alive and delivered to the Emergency Medical Care Team who transported them to the Hospital Center Split, while 0,9 % of the injured deceased during helicopter transportation.
Conclusion: In 2014 in Split and Dalmatia County there were 226 medical transportation by helicopter during which 239 ill or injured persons were transported. The main reasons for providing emergency medical assistance and helicopter service were chronic non-infectious diseases, injuries and traffic accidents.
hitni medicinski transport helikopterom
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija
Keywords (english)
emergency medical helicopter service
Split and Dalmatia County
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:176649
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-15 08:55:26