Title Zdravstvena njega bolesnika s subduralnim krvarenjem
Author Kristian Šabić
Mentor Dragica Kustura (mentor)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragica Kustura (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na važnost brzog zbrinjavanja bolesnika sa subduralnim krvarenjem koje je od presudne važnosti za prognozu i ishod bolesti. Od velike važnosti je brz i kvalitetan transport do odgovarajuće zdravstvene ustanove.
Poslije anatomije, klasifikacije, dijagnostike i liječenja u raspravi je opisano pravilno zbrinjavanje bolesnika od prijeoperacijskog razdoblja pa sve do otpusta bolesnika iz bolnice. Veliku važnost smo pridali prevenciji komplikacija koje bitno utječu na ishod bolesti. Detaljno je opisana uloga medicinske sestre u cjelokupnom zbrinjavanju, navedene su i najčešće sestrinske dijagnoze koje se javljaju kod bolesnika sa subduralnim krvarenjem te intervencije usmjerene rješavanju tih problema koje sestra vrši u sklopu zdravstvene njege.
Subduralno krvarenje hitno je stanje koje zahtjeva brzu reakciju te brz transport. Liječenje se provodi timskim radom zdravstvenog osoblja. Cilj zdravstvenog tima je što raniji oporavak i uključivanje bolesnika u profesionalni i društveni život. Medicinska sestra – tehničar, neizostavni je dio tima koji najviše svog radnog vremena provodi uz bolesnika. Medicinske sestre primjenjuju načelo holističkog pristupa bolesniku te imaju obvezu zadovoljavanja osnovnih ljudskih potrebe. Znanje i vještine koje medicinska sestra mora imati u radu s bolesnicima s KCO je kompleksno te zahtjeva njenu dodatnu obuku. Tehnologija 21. stoljeća sve više napreduje, pristupi i postupci postaju sve invazivniji, a kirurgija se sve više razvija u obliku mikrokirurgije te i to postavlja sve veće standarde i zahtjeve pred medicinsku sestru. Iako je bolesnik u komi, to ne znači da nas ne čuje. Komunikacija medicinske sestre s takvim bolesnikom, njegovo uključivanje i ponašanje prema bolesniku kao da ima mogućnost odlučivanja i u ovakvom stanju, često ublažava osjećaj usamljenosti i nehumanosti te pridonosi povoljnom ishodu liječenja. Izazov za medicinsku sestru predstavlja i komunikacija s obitelji. Roditelji, supružnici, braća i sestre, djeca... često su, očekivano, emocionalno duboko povrijeđeni i zahtijevaju pomoć medicinske sestre. Žele znati da je njihov voljeni/na u sigurnim rukama, da ne predstavljaju samo broj već da i mi, zdravstveno osoblje gledamo na njih kao na vrijedna ljudska bića, da nam je stalo do njih...
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of rapid treatment of patients with subdural hemorrhage, which is crucial for prognosis and disease outcome. Of great importance is the fast and high-quality transportation to appropriate health facilities.
After anatomy, classification, diagnosis and treatment in the debate described proper care of patients from preoperative period until the discharge of patients from hospital. Great importance was put on we prevent complications that significantly influence the outcome. A detailed description of the role of nurses in the overall management of listed and are usually nursing diagnoses that occur in patients with subdural hemorrhage and intervention aimed at solving these problems sister is done as part of health care.
Subdural emergency is a condition that requires quick reaction and fast transport. The treatment is carried out through teamwork health personnel. The goal of the health care team is as early recovery and inclusion of patients in professional and social life. The nurse - technician, is an indispensable part of the team that most of his working time is spent with patients. Nurses apply the principle of a holistic approach to the patient and have an obligation to meet basic human needs. The knowledge and skills that a nurse must have in working with patients with KCO is complex and requires her additional training. The technology of the 21st century more and more progress, approaches and procedures are becoming more invasive, and surgery is developing in the form of microsurgery and and this places increasing standards and demands on the nurse. While the patient is in a coma, it does not mean that we do not hear. Communication nurses with such a patient, his involvement and behavior of the patient as having a possibility to make decisions in this state, often relieves loneliness and inhumanity of this contributes to a favorable outcome of the treatment. The challenge for the nurse represents and communication with family. Parents, spouses, siblings, children ... are often expected, emotionally deeply hurt and require the help of a nurse. They want to know that their loved one / in the safe hands that are not only the number but to us, the medical staff looking at them as valuable human beings, that we care about them ...
subduralno krvarenje
zbrinjavanje bolesnika
uloga medicinske sestre
Keywords (english)
subdural hemorrhage
care of patients
the role of nurse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:904221
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-11-29 11:23:31