Title Fizioterapijska procjena hoda
Author Ante Uzelac
Mentor Asja Tukić (mentor)
Committee member Tonko Vlak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Šošo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Asja Tukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Razvoj bipedalizma bio je ključan za čovjekovu superiornost nad ostalim primatima i prilagodbu na novi, brži način života. No taj proces bio je vrlo dugotrajan i postepen. Čovjek je uočio važnost slobodnih ruku i manje površine tijela ponajprije zbog fizioloških potreba. Izuzetno je bitna postupnost u razvoju hoda čovjeka, odnosno dijete od malena uči vještine koje odrasla osoba koristi u hodu.
Hod je ritmičko pokretanje tijela kroz prostor pri kojem sudjeluju brojni mišići i zglobovi. Ciklus
... More hoda dijelimo u fazu oslonca i njihanja. Vrlo je važno potrošnju energije svesti na minimum a efikasnost rada na maksimum pri čemu nam pomaže pomak težišta tijela. Parametre hoda dijelimo na centar gravitacije, vremenske i prostorne parametre, te oscilacije zdjelice koje se događaju oko vertikalne, sagitalne i frontalne osi. Uloga zglobova i mišića je velika jer pomaže pri održavanju posture i omogućuje tijelu pokret prema naprijed. Najvažniji mišići koji sudjeluju u hodu su mišići donjih ekstremiteta dok mišići trupa i gornjih ekstremiteta pomažu u koordinaciji i balansu ravnoteže. Hod možemo proučavati i biomehanički, odnosno djelovanje sila na čovjeka i posljedica koje nastaju djelovanjem tih sila. Procjena hoda uključuje opservaciju i suvremene metode. Pomoću opservacije tijelo promatramo kroz frontalnu, sagitalnu i transverzalnu ravninu i uočavamo oscilacije segmenata tijela, razne kompenzatorne mehanizme, specifične faze hoda, trajanje ciklusa i mnoge druge. Suvremenim metodama kao što su kinetička i elektromiografska metoda dobivamo brojne parametre koje možemo iskoristiti u prikazu tijela kroz prostor, odnosno u procjeni mišićne sile u bilo kojem trenutku mjerenja. Važna je uloga stopala i njegovih lukova koji osiguravaju gibljivost i prilagodljivost tijekom kretanja. Patološki obrasci hoda imaju brojne uzroka od neuromuskularne, kao što su parkinsonov ili ataksičan hod do mišićnokoštane koja podrazumijeva slabost ili disfunkciju određenih mišića. Na takve obrasce javljaju se brojni kompenzatorni mehanizmi koji dovode do nepravilnosti hoda i koji se vremenom iscrpe pa problem postaje još veći. Less
Abstract (english) The development of bipedalism was crucial for human superiority over the other primates and his adaptation to the new, fast way of life. However, this process was very long and subsequent. A man has noticed the importance of free hands and smaller body surface primarily because of his physiological needs. The subsequence in the development of a human walk is very important, i.e. early on, a child learns the skills which an adult person uses in his or her walk. A walk is the rhythmical movement
... More of the body in space, in which numerous muscles and joints take part. The cycle of the walk is divided into the supporting phase and the swaying phase. It is very important that the energy consumption is on the minimum and the efficiency of the work on the maximum with the locus shift of the body. The walk parameters are divided into the gravity centre, time and spatial parameters, and pelvis oscillations which happen around vertical, sagittal and frontal axis. The role of joints and muscles is big, because they help with keeping the posture and enable the body to move forward. The most important muscles which take part in the walk are the muscles of lower extremities, whereas the body muscles and the muscles of higher extremities help with the coordination and the balance. The walk can be studied biomechanically as well, i.e. the impact of the force on the human being and the consequences which occur as a result of their activity. The estimate of the walk includes the observation and the contemporary methods. With the observation, the body is analysed through the frontal, sagittal and transversal level and we can notice the oscillation of the body segments, various compensatory mechanisms, specific phases of the walk, the length of the cycle and many others. With the contemporary methods, like the kinetic and electromyographic method, we can get various parameters, which can be used in the presentation of the body in space, i.e. in the estimate of the muscular force in every moment of measuring. The important role have the foot and its curves, which ensure the elasticity and flexibility during the activity. Pathological walk patterns have numerous causes, i.e. from neuromuscular like Parkinson’s or ataxic walk to musculoskeletal which underlies the weakness or the dysfunction of certain muscles. Many compensatory mechanisms appear to these patterns and they lead to the irregularity of the walk, exhaust themselves over the time and the problem becomes even bigger. Less
razvoj hoda čovjeka
procjena hoda
Keywords (english)
development of a human walk
the posture
the walk parameters
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:300374
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-01-16 09:52:44