Title Zdravstveni odgoj bolesnika s medicinskom dijagnozom alkoholizma
Title (english) Health education of patients with a medical dijagnosis of alcoholism
Author Josipa Kozina
Mentor Boran Uglešić (mentor)
Committee member Sonja Koren (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boran Uglešić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-10-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Alkohol je najstarije i najčešće upotrebljavano sredstvo ovisnosti koje ima relaksirajuće djelovanje, pruža osjećaj euforije, zatupljuje intelektualna svojstva. Alkoholizam se gleda kao bolest mozga jer trajno mijenja njegove funkcije, oštećujući i uništavajući živčane stanice u mozgu koje se ne mogu obnoviti. U Republici Hrvatskoj spominje se termin „društveno prihvatljiva potrošnja alkohola“, počinje se s pijenjem vrlo rano, već u dobi od 14. do 16. godine uz povećanje broja alkoholičara. Zabrinjavajuće je kako je alkohol s vremenom postao glavni generator zabave u društvu. Sve se češće i više konzumira u ženskoj populaciji, pri čemu dolazi do polemika na temelju moralnog stajališta između spolova, iako ni jedna ni druga strana nemaju opravdanja za konzumiranje alkohola. Kao najzaslužnija osoba za konstruktivni prilaz alkoholnoj problematici istaknut je psihijatar Vladimir Hudolin. Godine 1964. osnovao je prvi klub liječenih alkoholičara, a kasnije su se počeli širiti po cijeloj Hrvatskoj te kontinentu općenito. Procjenjuje se da u Hrvatskoj ima oko 240.000 alkoholičara, od čega su 15 % odrasli muškarci i 8 % žene, iako su svakodnevno te brojke u porastu. Alkoholizam se ne može izliječiti samo u bolnici, zato su značajni klubovi u kojima ovisnik nakon izlaska iz bolnice nastavlja svoje liječenje do potpune apstinencije. Međutim, svaki ovisnik je u riziku za recidiv, tako da ne postoji doživotno jamstvo da neće ponovo posegnuti za alkoholom. U cijelom procesu liječenja, uz ostali stručni tim, medicinska sestra velika je karika, prvenstveno zbog primarnog kontakta s bolesnikom. Pružajući empatiju ostvariti će topao i kvalitetan odnos s bolesnikom, što će joj pomoći u daljnjem ostvarivanju plana zdravstvene njege. Kroz zdravstveni odgoj medicinska sestra odgaja ne samo ovisnika, već i njegovu obitelj. Alkoholizam kao bolest ne pogađa samo jednog člana, nego sve one koji imaju značajan kontakt s ovisnikom. Zato medicinska sestra ima važnu ulogu u samom pristupu ovisniku i njegovoj obitelji kroz educiranja, terapijske zajednice i pružanje psihološke podrške koja je temelj za daljnju suradnju u liječenju.
Abstract (english) Alcohol is the oldest and most commonly used addictive drug that has a relaxing effect, it gives a feeling of euphoria, and reduces intellectual abilities. Alcoholism is regarded as a disease of the brain because it changes its functions, damage and destroy nerve cells in the brain that cannot be restored. In Croatia, the term "socially acceptable consumption of alcohol ' has been used, people start drinking very early, at the age of 14 to 16 and there has been an increase in the number of alcoholics. The fact that alcohol has eventually become a major generator of entertainment is worrying. There are more and more consumers within female population, with controversial moral point of view between the sexes, although neither of the parties have an excuse for alcohol consumption. The most deserving person for a constructive approach to alcohol issues is a psychiatrist Vladimir Hudolin. In 1964 he founded the first club of treated alcoholics, which later began to spread all over the country. It is estimated that there are about 240,000 alcoholics in Croatia, 15 % of which are adult men and 8 % women, although the numbers have been increasing. Alcoholism cannot be cured only in hospitals and that is why the clubs in which addicts continue their treatments to complete abstinence after leaving the hospital are very important. However, every addict is at risk for relapse, so there is no lifetime guarantee that they will not resort to alcohol again. Together with other health professional team members, a nurse plays an important role in the whole process of treatment, primarily due to the primary contact with the patient. Providing empathy to achieve a warm and good relationship with a patient helps in the further realization of the care plan. Through health education nurse educates not only the addicts, but also their families. Alcoholism as a disease that affects all those who have significant contact with the addict. Therefore, the nurse plays an important role in approaching alcohol addicts and their families through education, therapeutic communities and providing psychological support, which is the foundation of further cooperation in treatment.
osjećaj euforije
bolest mozga
Keywords (english)
a feeling of euphoria
a disease of the brain
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:113514
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-05-18 09:35:47