Abstract | Ciljevi: Ciljevi istraživanja su bili ispitati je li i u kojoj mjeri edukacija o dojenju kroz temu prehrane dojenčadi i male djece zastupljena na preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva u RH te je li literatura koja se najčešće preporučuje za navedenu temu na preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva, sadrži informacije u skladu s Oglednim primjerkom poglavlja o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece za udžbenike za zdravstvene djelatnike od SZO. Trebalo je ispitati koje izvore informacija o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece koriste patronažne medicinske sestre DZ-SDŽ u svom radu, te koliko sati tjedno provedu u savjetovanju majki o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece.
Metode: Ovo presječno istraživanje provedeno je od 15. siječnja– 20. svibnja 2016. godine u patronažnoj djelatnosti DZ-SDŽ, te na Katedri za obiteljsku medicinu pri Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu. Putem interneta saznali smo imena studija te došli do kurikuluma studija sestrinstva 2015. / 2016. godine. Za zastupljenu temu o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece, saznali smo imena kolegija, status kolegija, na kojoj godini se održava, ECTS koeficijent opterećenja studenta, broj sati svih oblika nastave, naslov sadržaja koji obuhvaća navedenu temu, i preporučenu literaturu. Najčešće preporučenu literaturu, uspoređivali smo s Oglednim primjerkom poglavlja o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece za udžbenike za zdravstvene djelatnike od SZO i ocijenjivali s jednom od četiri ocjene: PP (prisutno i potpuno navedeno), PD (prisutno i djelomično navedeno), PN (prisutno i netočno navedeno), N (neprisutno). Sastavljen je „ Upitnik o izvorima informacija o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece za patronažne sestre“. Anonimni upitnik se sastojao od tri dijela: 1) sociodemografske osobine ukupnog uzorka ispitanika, 2) izvori pisanih informacija o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece, te 3) izvori nepisanih informacija o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece koji patronažne medicinske sestre koriste u svom radu.
Rezultati: Tema prehrana dojenčadi i male djece zastupljena je na svim preddiplomskim studijima sestrinstva koji su uključeni u naše istraživanje. Najčešći kolegiji koji obuhvaćaju navedenu temu su: Pedijatrija, Zdravstvena njega u zajednici, Zdravstvena njega majke i novorođenčeta te Zdravstvena njega djeteta. Od ocjenjivanih literatura: Pedijatrije autora Duška Mardešića iz 2003., Sestrinstva u zajednici II. autorice Zorke Mojsović iz 2006., Zdravstvene njege majke i novorođenčeta autorice Vesne Turuk iz 2004.,te Zdravstvene njege djeteta također od Vesne Turuk iz 2009. godine, samo je Pedijatrija imala polovinu, što je najviše, dok je Zdravstvena njega djeteta imala najmanje obuhvaćenih podtema. Sudjelovalo je 89 % (n= 81) patronažnih medicinskih sestara. Patronažne medicinske sestre DZ- SDŽ, kao najčešće pisane izvore informacija koriste priručnike / zbornike s tečajeva ili skupova, za najčešće nepisane izvore informacija koriste stručno usavršavanje (predavanja, seminari, radionice,tečajevi, kongresi...), te provedu barem 5 sati/ tjedno u savjetovanju o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece.
Zaključak: Patronažne medicinske sestre imaju ključnu ulogu u potpori i upravljanju dojenjem. Obzirom da provedu značajan dio radnog vremena u savjetovanju o prehrani dojenčadi i male djece, bitno je da su primjereno obrazovane kako bi im to osiguralo skup znanja i vještina, te pripadajuću samostalnost i odgovornost nužnu za potporu dojenja. Stoga treba postići da obrazovanje o dojenju na studijima sestrinstva bude više zastupljeno te da sadržaj u literaturi bude potpun, točan, novijeg datuma i utemeljen na dokazima. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The objectives of the study were to investigate whether and to what extent breastfeeding education, through the topic of infant and young child feeding, is represented in undergraduate nursing courses in Croatia and whether the recommended literature contains information in accordance with the WHO Model chapter for textbooks on infant and young children for health professionals. We also wanted to determine which sources of information on infant and young child feeding are being used by community- health nurses from the County of Dalmatia for their everyday work, and to determine how many hours per week they spend in counseling mothers on infant and young children.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from 15 January- 20 May 2016, within the Community- Health Department of the County of Dalmatia and the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical School in Split. Via the internet, we found out the name of the course and the nursing curriculum for the academic year 2015/ 2016. We found out the name of subjects which covered our topic of interest, the status of the subject, the year in which it is taught , ECTS credits, the number of hours of all forms of teaching, the title of the chapter that covers our topic of interest, and suggested literature. We compared the most commonly recommended literature, with the Model chapter on infant and young child feeding according to one of four ratings: PP (present and fully specified), PD (present and partially stated), PN (present and incorrectly stated), N (absent). We distributed a 'Questionnaire on the sources of information on infant and young child feeding for community- health nurses'.The anonymous questionnaire consisted of three parts: 1) socio-demographic characteristics, 2) sources of written information , and 3) sources of non-written information which community- health nurses use in their work.
Results: The topic of nutrition of infants and young children is present in all undergraduate programs of nursing involved in our research. The most common subjects covering this topic are: Pediatrics, Health Care in the Community, Health Care of the Mother and Newborn and Child health care. Of the assessed literature: Pediatrics (author Duško Mardešić, 2003), Nursing in the Community II (author Zorka Mojsović, 2006), Health care of the mother and newborn (author Vesna Turuk, 2004), and Child health care (Vesna Turuk,2009), only Pediatrics covered half of subtopics, which is the highest, while the Child health care had at least covered subtopics. Almost all ommunity– health nurses participated (89 %). Community-health nurses stated that the written sources of information most commonly used are manuals/ conference proceedings of courses or conferences, whereas the unwritten sources of information most commonly used are various forms of CME training (lectures, seminars, workshops, courses, conferences...). Community nurses from the Split-Dalmatia County spend at least 5 hours / a week in counseling on infant and young child feeding.
Conclusion: Community- health nurses play a key role in the support and management of breastfeeding. Considering that they spend a significant part of their working hours in counseling on infant and young child feeding , it is essential that the appropriate education is provided to enable them to aquire a set of knowledge and skills associated with autonomy and responsibility necessary to support breastfeeding. Therefore, to achieve that, breastfeeding education during undergraduate nursing studies needs to be more thorough , and the content of the recommended literature needs to be complete, accurate, recent and based on evidence. |