Title Utjecaj profesionalnog stresa na kvalitetu života medicinskih sestara
Author Luka Vučković
Mentor Iris Jerončić Tomić (mentor)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Marendić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iris Jerončić Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj:
Cilj ovog rada je ispitati povezanost kvalitete života medicinskih sestara s njihovim sociodemografskim osobinama i radnom okolinom.
Hipoteze istraživanja su:
1. Kvaliteta života u zdravstvenih djelatnika razlikuje se s obzirom na njihove sociodemografske osobine. Iako se s rastućom dobi mijenja kvaliteta života u fizičkoj i psihičkoj domeni, pad radne sposobnosti tijekom starenja nije nužna pojava, već se može održati pozitivnim djelovanjem na ostale dimenzije kvalitete života, budući da je funkcionalni kapacitet pojedinca na radnom mjestu rezultat interakcije stručnosti, radnog iskustva te prilagodbe na fizičku i psihosocijalnu okolinu.
2. Kvaliteta života u zdravstvenih djelatnika razlikuje se obzirom na ustroj zdravstvene ustanove: rade li osobe u domu zdravlja, bolničkoj ustanovi ili ustanovi za hitnu medicinsku pomoć.
3. Radni zadatci i organizacija rada unutar ustanove značajno utječu na kvalitetu života zdravstvenih djelatnika i mogući odabir buduće profesije.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 226 ispitanika među kojima je proveden anketni upitnik. Ispitanici su dobrovoljno pristupili istraživanju uz uvjet isključenja onih medicinskih sestara koje u ispitivanom razdoblju nisu bile zaposlene. Istraživanje se provelo primjenom dvaju upitnika: WHOQOL-BREF, program za mentalno zdravlje, Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, Ženeva i ORCAB upitnikom (ORCAB Questionnaire FP7-Health 2009) ORCAB Questionnaire (ORCAB Questionnaire FP7-Health 2009).
U sveukupnoj kvaliteti života nisu pronađene bitne razlike među sociodemografskim skupinama. U domenama fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja, muškarci su pokazali bitno bolje rezultate u odnosu na ženske ispitanike. Promatrajući mjesto zaposlenja ispitanika, djelatnici hitnih medicinskih službi imali su statistički bitno najvišu razinu fizičkog zdravlja, a djelatnici bolničkih ustanova najnižu. Stupanj stručne spreme pokazao se bitnim čimbenikom za kvalitetu domene životnog okoliša koja je u porastu sukladno sa stupnjem obrazovanja. Promatrajući stavove i mišljenja ispitanika o kvaliteti i organizaciji rada, možemo primjetiti kako medicinske sestre bolničkih ustanova imaju statistički značajno najnegativnije mišljenje o kvaliteti rada i sigurnosti pacijenata te najnegativnije odnose prema ustanovi u kojoj su zaposleni. Ispitanici srednje stručne spreme imaju bitno pozitivnije mišljenje o sigurnosti pacijenta u odnosu na ispitanike više i visoke stručne spreme.
Muški spol, mlađa životna dob i viši stupanj edukacije predisponirajuću su čimbenici za ukupno veću kvalitetu života. Muškarci imaju bitno bolju kvalitetu fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja, a osobe višeg stupnja edukacije životni okoliš. Dob se nije pokazala kao bitan faktor radne sposobnosti, no za objektivnije rezultate je potrebno detaljnije istražiti radni sposobnost pomoću za to namjenskih instrumenata. Djelatnici ustanova hitne medicinske pomoći imaju bitno najveću, a djelatnici bolničkih ustanova najmanju kvalitetu fizičkog zdravlja. Ustanova zaposlenja se nije pokazala kao bitan faktor u ostalim domenama, kao ni u sveukupnoj kvaliteti života. Djelatnici bolničkih ustanova imali su bitno najnegativniji odnos prema radnim zadatcima i mišljenje o skrbi pacijenta, a djelatnici domova zdravlja najpozitivniji. Ovi rezultati prate trend kretanja kvalitete života i njenih domena te su povezivi s istima. Povezivost dobivenih rezultata i njihovo podudaranje s rezultatima prethodnih istraživanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i svijetu pokazuju iskoristivost za instrumente koji bi pomogli u osobnom odabiru sestrinstva kao buduće profesije, kao i u odabiru radnog mjesta unutar profesije.
Abstract (english) Aim:
The aim of this work is to investigate the quality of life of medical nurses with their social and demographic characteristics and work environment.
The hypotheses of this research are:
1. The quality of life among medical personnel shows some differentiation according to their social and demographic characteristics. Although the quality of life changes in the physical and mental domain with age, it is not necessary that a lapse in work ability also ensues: this can be maintained by positive action toward the other dimensions of quality life, as an indivudual’s functional capacity in the workplace is the result of the interaction of professionalism, work experience as well as adaptation to the physical and psycho-social environment.
2. The quality of life among medical personnel shows diferentation in accordance with the orgainsation of a medical institution: should one work in a community health centre, hospital or medical first aid.
3. The labour tasks and orgsanisation within an institution significantly influence the quality of life of medical personnel and the eventual choice of a future profession.
226 subjects participtated in this research and with the use of a questionnaire. These individuals particapted on their own accord under the condition that medical nurses who were not employed at the time be excluded. Research was conducted by applying two questionnaires: WHOQOL-BREF, Program for Mental Health, The World Health Organisation, Geneva and the ORCAB questionnaire (ORCAB Questionnaire FP7-Health 2009) ORCAB Questionnaire (ORCAB Questionnaire FP7-Health 2009).
No significant differences were found in sociodemographic groups in overall quality of life. In the domains of physical and mental health, men performed significantly better than women. Observing the place of employment of the respondents, the emergency medical staff had the highest level of physical health, while the staff of hospital institutions had the lowest. The degree of education has proved to be an important factor for the quality of the environmental domain, which is increasing in line with the level of education. Looking at the attitudes and opinions of the respondents about the quality and organization of work, we can see that nurses of hospital institutions have statistically significant negative opinion on the quality of work and patient safety and the most negative attitude towards the institution in which they are employed. Also, secondary school students have a significantly more positive opinion on patient safety compared to college and university students
Being of the male sex, of a younger age and with a higher level of education is a predisposition for a greater overall quality of life. Men have a significantly better quality of physical and mental health, individuals of a younger age have a better social life, and those with a higher education have a better life environment. Age did not prove to be a significant factor for work ability, yet for more objective results it is necessary to research work ability with the appropriate means for such. Personnel in medical first aid have the highest quality of physical health, whereas hospital personnel have the lowest. The institution of employment did not prove to be a significant factor in other domains, neither as a factor of work ability, yet for objective results it is necessary to conduct further research with the appropriate means. Personnel in hospital institutions had the most negative attitude toward labour tasks and opnions on patient care, whereas those in community health centres care homes had the most positive attitude. These results follow the trends of the movement of the quality of life and its domains and can be related to the same. The link between these results and their concordance with the results of prior research in the Republic of Croatia and the wider world show the utility of the means which could aid in the personal selection of nursing as a future profession as well as the selection of a place of employment within this profession
profesionalni stres
kvaliteta života (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
professional stress
quality of life (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:721641
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-06-24 07:07:29