Abstract | Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj različite vrste tamponade nosa na postoperativni oporavak pacijenta.
Ispitanici su bili 52 pacijenata na bolničkoj skrbi na Klinici za bolesti uha, nosa i grla s kirurgijom glave i vrata, kod kojih je urađena operacija septoplastike nosa. Jedna skupina pacijenata je tamponirana Merocel tamponima, a druga Mikulićevim tamponima i spužvicom.
Mijenjanje funde nosa kod tamponade nosa Merocelom je rjeđe nego kod tamponade nosa Mikulićevim tamponima i spužvicom, kako prvi postoperativni dan (p = 0,0381), tako i ukupan broj mijenjanja funde nosa (p=0,003).
Na temelju rezultata Mann-Whitney U testa donosi se zaključak da postoji statistički značajna razlika u rangu podnošljivosti tamponade između osoba koje su koristile Mikulićeve tampone sa spužvicom i Merocel. Statistički značajna razlika podnošljivosti prvi dan donesena je na temelju Z vrijednosti -2,932 pri razini signifikantnosti od 0,336%. Dok je statistički značajna razlika podnošljivosti peti dan donesena je na temelju Z vrijednosti -3,114 pri razini signifikantnosti od 0,185%. Podnošljivost tamponade Merocelom je znatno bolja zbog same strukture materijala, koji je hidrofilan, mekan, prilagodljiv nosnoj šupljini, manje prianja uz sluznicu nosa, a cjevčica omogućava disanje na nos i kod tamponiranog nosa.
Ocjena detamponade ocjenjivana je bodovnom skalom od 0 do 3, gdje je 0 loša ocjena, dok ocjena 3 predstavlja izvrsnu ocjenu. Na temelju rezultata Mann-Whitney U testa donosi se zaključak da postoji statistički značajna razlika u ocjeni detamponade između osoba koje su koristile Mikulićeve tampone sa spužvicom i Merocel.
Statistički značajna razlika ocjene detamponade donesena je na temelju Z vrijednosti -3,088 pri razini signifikantnosti od 0,202%.
Na temelju rezultata T-testa donosi se zaključak da postoji statistički značajna razlika u prosječnom broju bolesničkih dana s obzirom na to da li je pacijent koristio Mikulićeve tampone sa spužvicom ili Merocel.
Statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena na temelju T-vrijednosti 2,503988 za 24 stupnja slobode pri razini signifikantnosti o d 1,948%. Nadalje, osobe koje su koristile Mikulićeve
tampone sa spužvicom u prosjeku su boravile u bolnici 4,09 dana, dok su osobe koje su koristile Merocel tamponadu u prosjeku boravile 3 dana.
Rezultati rada su potvrdili da tamponada nosa Merocelom ima značajne prednosti u odnosu na tamponadu Mikulićevim tamponima i spužvicama. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of the research is to determine the effect of different types of nasal packing on the
postoperative recovery of the patient.
The subjects of testing were 52 patients in hospital care at the Department of ear, nose and throat with head and neck surgery, which had under gone nose septoplasty surgery .One group of patients was tamped with Merocel packs and other with Miculicz packs and a sponge.
Changing nasal funde with Merocel nasal packing is more common than in nasal packing with Miculicz packs and sponge, as the first postoperative day (p =0.0381), as is the total number of changing nasal funde (p = 0.003).
Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney U test comes a conclusion that there is a statistically significant difference in the range of packings tolerance among people who have used Miculicz packs with a sponge and Merocel. A statistically significant difference in first day tolerability was based on the Z value-2,.932 at a significance level of 0,.336%. While statistically significant difference intolerability by fifth day was based and decided on the Z value of-3.114 at a significance level of 0.185%. Tolerance of Merocel packing is much better because of the structure of the material, which is hydrophilic, soft, adaptable to nasal cavity, less adherent to the mucosa of the nose and the tube enables breathing through the nose that is tamped.
Rating of the de tamping is assessed by the rating scale from 0 to 3, where 0 I sa bad score, and grade 3 represents an excellent rating. Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney U test which brings to a conclusion that there is a statistically significant difference in the assessment de tamping between people who have used Miculicz packs and a sponge and Merocel.
A statistically significant difference of de tamping assessment was based on Z value of-3.088 at a significance level of 0.202%.
Based on the results of T-test which brings to a conclusion that here is a statistically significant difference in the average number of hospital days considering whether the patient used Miculicz packs and a sponge or Merocel.
A statistically significant difference was found based on the T-value 2,503988 for24 degrees of freedom at a level of 1,.948% significansy. Furthermore, people who are used Miculicz packs and a sponge on average stayed in hospital 4.09 days, while people who have used
Merocel on average stayed 3 days. Results of this work confirm that nasal packing with Merocel has significant advantages over the Miculicz packs with a sponges . |