Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je istraživanja bio procijeniti intezitet zadovoljstva na poslu te intezitet radne motivacije u ciljnoj skupini fizioterapeuta zaposlenih u bolničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama srednje i južne Dalmacije.
Metode: Ispitivanje je provedeno u bolničkim ustanovama Klinički bolnički centar u Splitu, Bolnica za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Biokovka u Makarskoj te Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Kalos u Vela Luci. Anketni su upitnici o zadovoljstvu i radnoj motivaciji podijeljeni zaposlenim fizioterapeutima tijekom lipnja i srpnja 2016. godine. Ispunjene su 93 ankete. Za mjerenje zadovoljstva na poslu, odnosno radne motivacije, korišteni su validirani upitnici Employee Satisfaction Survey, odnosno Work Preference Inventory.
Rezultati: Medijan postotka bodova postignutih na ljestvici zadovoljstva iznosio je 64% (IQR 53–72%), odnosno 68% (63–77%) na ljestvici motivacije. Izjave koje su u najvećoj mjeri reflektirale zadovoljstvo, odnosno nezadovoljstvo radnika poslom bile su izjave o radnim uvjetima, identificiranja radnika s institucijom, želji za daljnom edukacijom te izjave o kvaliteti komunikacije i suradnje unutar radnoga tima. Osim radnih uvjeta s kojima su bili iznimno nezadovoljni, u ostalim navedenim izjavama radnici su uglavnom navodili da su zadovoljni. S druge strane, izjave oko kojih su radnici imali najnegativnije stavove, a koje su u nešto manjoj mjeri odražavale nezadovoljstvo na poslu, bile su izjave o adekvatnosti visine plaće i dnevne naknade u usporedbi s ostalim sektorima, zakonskoj potpori za profesionalni razvoj, prilagodljivosti infrastrukture institucije promjenjivim potrebama i suradnji odgovornih tijela s medijima kako bi se poboljšao status profesije. Što se tiče odnosa zadovoljstva poslom i radne motivacije utvrđena je jedino negativna povezanost s ekstrinzičnom motivacijom novcem.
Značajniju povezanost sa zadovoljstvom poslom vidimo u skupini obilježja vezanih uz broj godina koji osoba živi u istome gradu (samim time i sa dobi te osobe) te vremensku organizaciju posla. Osobe koje su radile smjenski značajno su nezadovoljnije od osoba koje rade samo jutrima, a nezadovoljnije su i osobe koje su veći broj godina živjele u istome gradu. Intrinzična je radna motivacija fizioterapeuta bila značajno veća od ekstrinzične (razlika od 13% maksimalnih bodova, 95% CI od 10–17%).
Zaključak: Fizioterapeuti su u bolničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama srednje i južne Dalmacije na ljestvicama zadovoljstva poslom i radne motivacije pokazali da su uglavnom zadovoljni i motivirani za rad, no postoje brojne mogućnosti za unapređenje toga zadovoljstva. Poboljšanjem radnih uvjeta, poticanjem dijaloga unutar zdravstvenoga tima, uvažavanjem mišljenja fizioterapeuta, češćom organizacijom stručnih edukacija, ali i adekvatnom naknadom za rad moguće je poboljšati njihovo zadovoljstvo, time i kvalitetu rada. |
Abstract (english) | Aim: The aim of study was to assess the intensity of satisfaction at work and the intensity of work motivation in the target population of physiotherapists employed in the healthcare facilities in the middle and south Dalmatia.
Methods: The study was conducted at the following healthcare facilities: University hospital centre in Split, Hospital for medical rehabilitation Biokovka in Makarska, and Kalos - special hospital for medical rehabilitation in Vela Luka. In June and July of 2016, a questionnaire on the work satisfaction and motivation was given to employed physiotherapists. 93 surveys were filled out. Validated questionnaires, Employee Satisfaction Survey or Work Preference Inventory, were used to measure satisfaction at work or work motivation.
Results: The median percentage of points achieved on the scale of work satisfaction was 64% (IQR 53-72%), respectively 68% (63-77%) on the scale of work motivation. The statements that reflected, to a largest extent, the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of workers with their job were: statements on working conditions, the identification of employees with institution, wishes for further education, and statements on the quality of communication and cooperation within the working team. Besides working conditions, with which they were extremely dissatisfied, the workers stated in other statements that they were satisfied / compliant. On the other hand, the statements about which workers had the most negative attitudes, which to some extent have reflected the dissatisfaction at work, were the statements on the adequacy of wages and daily allowances compared to the other sectors, legal support for professional development, adaptability of the institution's infrastructure to changing needs and cooperation of responsible bodies with the media in order to improve the status of the profession. Concerning job satisfaction and work motivation, the only negative correlation with the extrinsic motivation of money was found.
More significant correlation with the work satisfaction is seen in the group of features related to the number of years that a person lives in the same city (and thus with age) and time organisation of the job. People who have worked in shifts are significantly more dissatisfied than people who have worked only in the morning, and those who have lived in the same city for more years are also dissatisfied. The intrinsic work motivation of the physiotherapist was significantly higher than the extrinsic (difference of 13% of the maximum points, 95% CI of 10-17%).
Conclusion: Physiotherapists, working in the healthcare facilities in the middle and south Dalmatia, have shown on the scales of job satisfaction and job motivation that they are mostly satisfied and motivated to work, but there is still plenty of place for improvement of satisfaction. Improving the working conditions, promoting dialogue within the healthcare team and respecting the opinion of physiotherapists, a more frequent organisation of professional educations, as well as an adequate work allowance, can improve their satisfaction and thus the quality of work. |