Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi utjecaj između prehrambenih navika trudnica i prirasta tjelesne mase u trudnoći, na području grada Splita.
Metode istraživanja: Istraživanje je provedeno putem anonimnog anketnog upitnika u lipnju 2020. u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode u Splitu, na odjelu babinjača. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 40 ispitanica.
Rezultati: Prosječna dob ispitanica iznosi 30,7 godina, a prosječna visina je 1,69 m. Prije trudnoće 72% ispitanica je imalo ITM od 18,5 do 24,99, odnosno normalne uhranjenosti. Prosječni prirast tjelesne mase iznosio je 14,4 kg. Na kraju trudnoće, 65% trudnica je imalo povećanu tjelesnu masu čiji ITM iznosi 25-29,99. 37,5% žena je najčešće imalo 3 glavna obroka i 3 međuobroka, najviše ih je konzumiralo bjelančevine (92,5%), a najmanje su konzumirani orašasti plodovi i žitarice, 30%. Fizičkom aktivnošću i rekreacijom se bavilo 27% ispitanica, 45% žena je potrebne informacije o prehrani pronašlo na internetu, 66% ih je uzimalo folnu kiselinu kao dodatak prehrani, a 12% ispitanica vjeruje kako se u trudnoći jede za dvoje.
Zaključak: Proučavajući rezultate dobivene anketama može se zaključiti kako su ispitanice, u prosjeku, imale optimalan i zadovoljavajući prirast tjelesne mase u trudnoći. Unatoč tome, bazirajući se na ITM pokazalo se kako je ipak većina trudnica na kraju trudnoće imala povećanu tjelesnu masu. |
Abstract (english) | Aim of the research: To determine the influence between the eating habits of pregnant women and weight gain in pregnancy, in the area of the city of Split.
Research methods: The research was conducted through an anonymous survey questionnaire in June 2020 at the Clinic for Women's Diseases and Obstetrics in Split, at the Department of Midwifery. Forty respondents participated in the study.
Results: The average age of the respondents was 30.7 years, and the average height was 1.69 m. Before pregnancy, 72% of the respondents had a BMI of 18.5 to 24.99, or normal nutrition. The average weight gain was 14.4 kg. At the end of pregnancy, 65% of pregnant women had increased body weight with a BMI of 25-29.99. 37.5% of women most often had 3 main meals and 3 snacks, the most consumed were proteins (92.5%), and the least consumed were nuts and cereals, 30%. 27% of the respondents were engaged in physical activity and recreation, 45% of women found the necessary information about their diet on the Internet, 66% of them took folic acid as a dietary supplement, and 12% of the respondents believe that they eat for two during pregnancy.
Conclusion: Studying the results obtained by surveys, it can be concluded that the respondents, on average, had an optimal and satisfactory weight gain in pregnancy. Nevertheless, based on BMI, it was shown that most pregnant women had increased body weight at the end of pregnancy. |