Title Neplodnost i aktivnosti primalje u skrbi žena s dijagnozom neplodnosti
Author Ivana Bakić
Mentor Jelena Marušić (mentor)
Committee member Matea Dolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Indira Kosović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Marušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-10-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Izostankom trudnoće unatoč kontinuiranim nezaštićenim spolnim odnosima kroz najmanje godinu dana, dijagnosticira se neplodnost. Čak 15 % populacije reproduktivne dobi bori se s ovim problemom. Neplodnost uglavnom ima svoju pozadinu i niz uzroka koji su doveli do takvog stanja, ali čak 15 % slučajeva neplodnosti je idiopatske pozadine. To znači da nije pronađen uzročni čimbenik. Pušenje, prekomjerni unos alkohola, nikotina i kofeina također pridonose dijagnozi. U uzročne čimbenike spada i prekomjerna tjelesna težina koja također bilježi povećanu stopu učestalosti.
Liječenje parova počinje detaljnom anamnezom oba partnera uz sve potrebne pretrage (krv, urin, hormoni, itd.). Ženi će se svakako učiniti ginekološki pregled koji će dati uvid u stanje i fizionomiju genitalnih organa žene i laboratorijska obrada u smislu procjene hormonskog statusa, a muškarcu će se izraditi spermiogram. Prikupljanjem nalaza navedenih pretraga, kao i nekih drugih, odabrat će se najpovoljnija metoda umjetne oplodnje.
O kojoj god metodi da se radi, postupak je složen te je psihički i fizički naporan. Kad se svemu tome pridoda strah od neuspjeha, stres i ostale svakodnevne obaveze, jasno je da par prolazi kroz jedan od turbulentnijih perioda njihovog života. U metode MPO spadaju: inseminacija, izvantjelesna oplodnja, intracitoplazmatska injekcija te prijenos gameta/zigota u jajovod.
Uz kompletan tim humane reprodukcije koji međusobno surađuju s istim ciljem - ostvarivanje trudnoće, primalja ima veliku važnost. Upravo je primalja ta koja će se najčešće susretati s parom. Bitno je da primalja iskaže razumijevanje, podari koju toplu riječ i jednostavno bude uz par jer se tako stvara povjerenje koje je od velikog značaja. Borba s neplodnošću i ulazak u postupak MPO najintimniji su dijelovi čovjeka tj. para i za to svatko treba imati razumijevanja, ponajprije medicinski tim.
Abstract (english) Infertility is diagnosed in the case of pregnancy absence despite continuous unprotected sex for at least a year. As many as 15 % of the reproductive age population struggle with this problem. Infertility usually has its background and causes that led to such a condition, but as many as 15 % cases have an idiopathic background. This means that no causal factor was found. Smoking, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine also contribute to the diagnosis. Overweight is also a big problem, which also records an increase of incidence all around the world.
Treatment begins with a detailed health history of both partners with all the necessary examinations (blood, urine, hormones, etc.). The woman will have a gynecological examination that will give insight into the condition and physiognomy of genitals. Man will have to do spermiogram test. By collecting the outcome of all these test, as well as some others, the most favorable method will be selected.
No matter which method is chosen, the procedure is complex and mentally and physically exhausting. When all these are added to the fear of failure, stress and other daily obligations, it is clear that the couple is going through one od the most turbulent period in their lives. MPO include these methods : insemination, in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic injection and gamete/zygote transfer to the fallopian tube.
With a complete team of human reproduction working together with the same goal - achieving pregnancy, a midwife has a big impact. It's exactly her who will meet the couple most usually. It's important that midwife shows understanding, give a words of comfort and simply be with them. That leads to creating a trust which has big importance in the process. The fight against infertility and entering into process are the most intimate parts of a human, so everybody needs to have an understanding, especially the medical team.
medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja
uloga primalje
Keywords (english)
health history
medicaly assisted procreation
midwife activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:317907
Study programme Title: Midwifery (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-08 11:28:11