Title Stavovi i znanja medicinskih sestara KBC Split o transfuzijskom liječenju
Title (english) Viewpoint and knowledge of nurses from Clinical Hospital Center Split about transfusion treatment
Author Marta Živković
Mentor Dejana Bogdanić (mentor)
Committee member Slavica Dajak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Zec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dejana Bogdanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog rada je ispitati znanja i stavove medicinskih sestara o transfuzijskom liječenju, utvrditi postojanje statistički značajne razle u znanju o transfuzijskom liječenju između medicinskih sestara srednje i više stručne spreme. Također, nastojali smo utvrditi postojanje statistički značajne razlike u znanju između medicinskih sestara s obzirom na njihovo radno iskustvo, tj. radni staž u struci i odjela na kojem rade.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u vremenskom periodu od 18.05.2021 do 08.06.2021. pomoću anketnog upitnika sastavljenog uz pomoć mentorice Doc.dr.sc. Dejane Bogdanić dr.med. Anketa se sastoji od 9 pitanja različitog tipa kojeg su ispitanici samostalno ispunjavali. U radu se koriste metode grafičkog i tabelarnog prikazivanja kojima se prezentira struktura odgovora na anketna pitanja. Numeričke vrijednosti se prezentiraju upotrebom metoda deskriptivne statistike, i to aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije. U slučaju odstupanja razdiobe od normalne koristi se medijan i interkvartilni raspon. Normalnost razdiobe je prethodno provjerena Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom. Znanje se prezentira upotrebom postotne bodovne skale s rasponom vrijednosti od 0 do 100% gdje ispitanici koji nisu znali odgovor na niti jedno pitanje dobivaju 0, a ispitanici koji su znali sve odgovore dobivaju 100%. Raspon točnih odgovora se prezentira i upotrebom minimalne i maksimalne vrijednosti. Kod ispitivanja hipoteza se koristi Hi kvadrat test, te Kruskal-Wallis test. Analiza je rađena u statisitčkom softwareu STATISTICA 12 (TIBCO Software Inc., Palo Alto, California).
Rezultati istraživanja: Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da najveći broj ispitanika ima završenu srednju stručnu spremu, te da je prosječna dob ispitanika 39 godina. Srednja vrijednost radnog staža je 17 godina. Najveći broj ispitanika je zaposlen na Klinici za unutarnje bolesti, a prema broju krvi i krvnih derivata koji se najviše primjene u tjednu na radilištu je 2-5 doza. Istraživanjem je pokazalo da medicinske sestre pripremaju pacijenta, krvni derivat i sistem za transfuziju, te da u 83% slučajeva one i same uključuju transfuziju. U 66% slučajeva liječnik dolazi samo po pozivu. Velik broj ispitanika smatra da je potrebno uvesti dodatnu edukaciju zaposlenika o primjeni krvi i krvnih derivata. Velik broj ispitanika ispitanika se slaže da darivanje krvi ne šteti zdravlju i ne slabi imunološki sustav. Manji postotak ispitanika (40%) ispitanika smatra da je transfuzijsko liječenje sigurno i učinkovito, a 25% ispitanika je svjesno da se primjenom krvnih derivata pacijent može zaraziti heptitisom ili nekom drugom krvlju prenosivom bolesti. Ispitanici imaju pozitivne stavove o transfuzijskom liječenju, te su iskazali visoku razinu znanja na sva postavljena anketna pitanja gdje je srednja vrijednost ispravnih odgovora 80%. Najveću razinu znanja posjeduju ispitanici sa Klinike za onkologiju (85%), a najmanje znanja imaju zaposlenici Klinike za ženske bolesti i porode (57%), što govori u prilog da zaposlenici koji se više susreću s transfuzijom krvi posjeduju veću razinu znanja.
Zaključci: U našem istraživanju smo pokazali da ispitanici (medicinske sestre KBC Split imaju visoku razinu znanja o transfuzijsko, liječenju. Također, utvrdili smo da je potrebna dodatna edukacija na Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode, te dodatna edukacija liječnika o potrebi praćenja transfuzijskog liječenja. U istraživanju smo dokazali da razina znanja ovisi o stručnoj spremi, ali ne i o godinama radnog staža.
Abstract (english) Aim of the research: The aim of this study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses about transfusion therapy. To determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge about transfusion treatment between nurses of secondary education and above. To determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge between nurses with regard to their work experience, ie work experience in the profession.
Methods: The research was conducted in the period from 18.05.2021 to 08.06.2021. using a questionnaire compiled with the help of a mentor Doc.dr.sc. Dejane Bogdanić dr.med. The survey consists of 9 questions of different types that the respondents filled in independently. The paper uses methods of graphical and tabular presentation which present the structure of answers to the survey questions. Numerical values are presented using the methods of descriptive statistics, namely arithmetic means and standard deviations. In case of deviation from the normal distribution, the median and interquartile range are used. The normality of the distribution was previously checked by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Knowledge is presented using a percentage point scale with a range of values from 0 to 100% where respondents who did not know the answer to any question get 0, and respondents who knew all the answers get 100%. The range of correct answers is presented using both the minimum and maximum values. The Hi square test and the Kruskal-Wallis test are used to test the hypotheses. The analysis was performed in the statistical software STATISTICA 12 (TIBCO Software Inc., Palo Alto, California).
Research results: The research established that the largest number of respondents have completed secondary education, and that the average age of respondents is 39 years. Thus, we can conclude that the respondents are younger. The average length of work experience is 17 years. The largest number of respondents is employed at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, and according to the number of blood and blood derivatives that are used in a week at the worke place is 2-5 doses. Research has also shown that nurses prepare the patient, blood derivative and transfusion system, which in 83% of cases they apply themselves. In 66% of cases, the doctor comes only by call. A large number of respondents believe that it is necessary to conduct additional education of employees on the use of blood and blood derivatives. A large number of respondents agree that donating blood does not harm health and does not weaken the immune system. A smaller percentage of respondents (40%) believe that transfusion treatment is safe and effective, and 25% of respondents are aware that the use of blood derivatives can infect a patient with hepatitis or some other transfusion transmissible disease. Respondents have positive attitudes about transfusion treatment, and expressed a high level of knowledge on all survey questions where the mean value of correct answers is 80%. Respondents from the Oncology Clinic have the highest level of knowledge (85%), and employees of the Clinic for Women's Diseases and Obstetrics have the lowest level of knowledge (57%), which suggests that employees who are more likely to have experience in applying blood transfusion have a higher level of knowledge.
Conclusion: In our research, we showed that the respondents (nurses of KBC Split) have a high level of knowledge about transfusion treatment. Also, we determined that additional education is needed at the Clinic for Women's Diseases and Obstetrics, and additional education of doctors on the need to monitor patients transfusion treatment. In the research, we proved that the level of knowledge depends on education, but not on years of work experience.
medicinske sestre
transfuzijsko liječenje
radno iskustvo
Keywords (english)
transfusion treatment
work experience
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:496567
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2022-04-01
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-04 14:36:38