Abstract | Uvod: Informatizacija sustava je donijela velike i nužne promjene u cijelom zdravstvenom sustavu. Važno je omogućiti implementaciju što boljeg sustava te prilagodit radu medicinskim sestra na svakom odjelu obzirom na dinamiku i mogućnost rada.
Cilj: Utvrditi stavove i znanja medicinskih sestara u KBC-u Split o bolničkom informacijskom sustavu.
Metode: Istraživanje se provodilo pri KBC-u Split (klinika, zavod, odjel), a obuhvatilo je 76 ispitanika. Upitnik se ispunjavao anonimno, online putem koristeći Google Forms u trajanju od 1. prosinca 2021. do 20.prosinca 2021. godine.
Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na različite stavove i znanja medicinskih sestara prema bolničkom informacijskom sustavu. Ispitivanjem su utvrđene i statistički obrađeni rezultati sociodemografskog dijela s obzirom na spol (χ2=64,47; P<0,001), na dob (IQR=29,50-48,50). na stupanj obrazovanja (χ2=32,63; P<0,001), radni staž (χ2=57,32; p<0,001), informatičku pismenost (χ2=33,90; P<0,001). Istraživanjem je utvrđena prosječna razina znanja iznosi koja iznosi (43,74%) sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine (12,35%). Znanje medicinskih sestara o BIS-u mjereno je temeljem tvrdnji na koje su medicinske sestre iskazivale slaganje. Najveći broj medicinskih sestara i postotak koji se potpuno složio s nekom tvrdnjom je n= 38; 50%, dok je najveći broj i postotak koji je dobiven ne slaganjem s određenom tvrdnjom n=14; (18,42). Stav medicinski sestara o sustavu mjeren je temeljem tvrdnji, gdje je utvrđeno da veliki broj medicinskih sestara ne istražuje dodatno i osobno literature vezanu za BIS (n=39; 51,32%), ali imaju potrebu za dodatnom edukacijom (n=39; 51,32%). Prosječna razina stava iznosi (28,75%) sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine (15,77%).
Zaključci: Medicinske sestre KBC-a Split, istraživanjem su utvrđene pretpostavke da manji udio medicinskih sestara ima dovoljno znanja o BIS-u, te je sustav nedovoljno prilagođen različitim uvjetima rada medicinskih sestara. Utvrđeno je da nema statistički značajne razlike među medicinskim sestrama mlađim od 40. godina koje se bolje služe BIS-om, i utvrđena je potreba za dodatnom edukacijom. Statistički su utvrđene razlike u stavovima medicinskih sestara različitog stupnja obrazovanja, no nisu utvrđene razlike u znanju medicinskih sestara različitog stupnja obrazovanja. |
Abstract (english) | SUMMARY
Introduction The informatization of the hospital system has brought about major and necessary changes in the entire health care system. It is important to enable the implementation of the best possible system and to adapt the work of nurses in each department regarding the dynamics and possibility of work.
Aim: To determine the attitudes and knowledge of nurses at the Clinical Hospital Center Split about the hospital information system.
Methods The research was conducted at the Clinical Hospital Center Split (clinic, institute, department), and included seventy-six respondents. The questionnaire is completed anonymously, online using Google Forms from December 1, 2021., to December 20, 2021.
Results The results of the research indicate different attitudes and knowledge of nurses towards the hospital information system. The study determined and statistically processed the results of the socio-demographic part regarding gender (χ2 = 64.47; P <0.001), age (IQR = 29.50-48.50). at the level of education (χ2 = 32.63; P <0.001), work experience (χ2 = 57.32; p <0.001), computer literacy (χ2 = 33.90; P <0.001). The research determined the average level of knowledge is (43.74%) with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean (12.35%). The nurses' knowledge of BIS was measured based on the statements that the nurses agreed with. The highest number of nurses and the percentage who completely agreed with a statement is n = 38; 50%, while the maximum number and percentage obtained by disagreeing with a particular statement is n = 14; (18.42). The attitude of nurses about the system was measured based on claims, where it was found that a large number of nurses do not research additional and personal literature related to BIS (n = 39; 51.32%) but need additional education (n = 39; 51.32%). The average attitude level is (28.75%) with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean (15.77%).
Conclusions Nurses of KBC Split, the research established the assumptions that a smaller proportion of nurses have sufficient knowledge about BIS, and the system is insufficiently adapted to different working conditions of nurses. It was found that there is no statistically significant difference between nurses under the age of forty who use BIS better, just as there is need for additional education. Differences in the attitudes of nurses with various levels of education were statistically determined, but no differences were found in the knowledge of nurses with various levels of education. |