Title Učinci COVID-19 pandemije na mentalno zdravlje zdravstvenih radnika
Title (english) Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of health care workers
Author Marija Mamić
Mentor Vesna Antičević (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Antičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Dolić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2022-03-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Ciljevi: Provedeno istraživanje imalo je slijedeće ciljeve: ispitati učinak rizičnih i zaštitnih čimbenika na mentalno zdravlje zdravstvenih radnika za vrijeme prvog vala COVID-19 pandemije; ispitati razlike između liječnika, medicinskih sestara i nezdravstvenih radnika s obzirom na: (a) stupnjeve psihološkog distresa, (b) stupanj izraženosti simptoma PTSP-a i (c) psihološku otpornost na stresove za vrijeme prvog vala COVID-19 pandemije; utvrditi povezanost između psihološkog distresa, simptoma
... More PTSP-a i psihološke otpornosti za vrijeme prvog vala COVID-19 pandemije na ukupnom uzorku.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno online primjenom samoprocjenskih upitnika tijekom ožujka i travnja 2020. godine. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1234 ispitanika od kojih 366 zdravstvenih radnika (165 liječnika i 201 medicinska sestra). Prosječna je dob ispitanika 39 godina. Mjerni instrumenti korišteni za dokazivanje hipoteza jesu sljedeći upitnici. 1. Upitnik psihološkog distresa CORE-OM, 2. PCL-5 upitnik posttraumatskog stresa, 3. Upitnik otpornosti na stres - DRS, 4. Upitnik općih podataka koji je pripremljen za potrebe ovog istraživanja. U radu su korištene metode deskriptivne statistike kojima su prezentirane srednje vrijednosti, i to aritmetička sredina i medijan, te standardna devijacija i interkvartilni raspon kao pokazatelji odstupanja od srednje vrijednosti. Za odgovor na prvi istraživački cilj cjelokupni uzorak je podijeljen na tri poduzorka (liječnici, medicinske sestre i opća populacija) pri čemu su razlike u ispitivanim varijablama ispitivane ANOVA testom. Naknadno su analizirane razlike između poduzoraka korištenjem LSD post hoc testova. Korelacije prvog reda među svim varijablama utvrđene su korištenjem Personovog koeficijenta korelacije. Statistički značajne su se smatrale sve p vrijednosti manje od 0.05.
Rezultati: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da su, za vrijeme prvog vala COVID-19 pandemije, liječnici pokazivali manje psihičkih problema, višu razinu funkcioniranja i manje simptoma posttraumatskog stresa u odnosu na nezdravstvene radnike i medicinske sestre. Medicinske sestre su imale manje psihičkih problema od nezdravstvenih radnika. Liječnici i medicinske sestre su imali više predanosti i bili spremniji na izazove koje za njih predstavlja pandemija u odnosu na nezdravstvene radnike.
Zaključak: Temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da veća psihološka otpornost (veća predanost, spremnost prema prihvaćanju izazova i više razine funkcionalnosti) predstavljaju zaštitne čimbenike i doprinose manjoj pojavnosti psihičkih simptoma, uključujući i simptome posttraumatskog stresa za vrijeme pandemije. S druge strane, izraženost psihičkih simptoma (poput anksioznosti i depresije) predstavlja rizične čimbenike za pojavu rizičnih ponašanja i PTSP-a. Less
Abstract (english) Objectives: The conducted research had the following objectives: to examine the effect of risk and protective factors on the mental health of health workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic; examine the differences between physicians, nurses and non-health professionals with respect to: (a) degrees of psychological distress, (b) severity of PTSD symptoms, and (c) psychological resilience to stress during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic; determine the association between
... More psychological distress, PTSD symptoms, and psychological resilience during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall sample.
Methods: The survey was conducted online using self-assessment questionnaires during March and April 2020. The study involved 1234 respondents, of whom 366 health professionals (165 doctors and 201 nurses). The average age of the respondents is 39 years. The measurement instruments used to prove the hypotheses are the following questionnaires. 1. CORE-OM Psychological Distress Questionnaire, 2. PCL-5 Post-Traumatic Stress Questionnaire, 3. Stress Resistance Questionnaire - DRS, 4. General Data Questionnaire prepared for the purposes of this research. The paper uses methods of descriptive statistics that present mean values, namely arithmetic mean and median, and standard deviation and interquartile range as indicators of deviation from the mean. To answer the first research goal, the entire sample was divided into three subsamples (physicians, nurses, and the general population) with differences in the examined variables examined by the ANOVA test. Differences between subsamples using LSD post hoc tests were subsequently analyzed. First-order correlations among all variables were determined using the Person's correlation coefficient. All p values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Results: The results of this study showed that, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, physicians showed fewer mental health problems, higher levels of functioning, and fewer symptoms of posttraumatic stress compared to nonhealth workers and nurses. Nurses had fewer psychological problems than non-health workers. Doctors and nurses were more committed and more prepared for the challenges posed by the pandemic to non-health workers.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that greater psychological resilience (greater commitment, willingness to accept challenges and higher levels of functionality) are protective factors and contribute to lower incidence of psychological symptoms, including symptoms of post-traumatic stress during a pandemic. On the other hand, the severity of psychological symptoms (such as anxiety and depression) is a risk factor for the occurrence of risky behaviors and PTSD. Less
mentalno zdravlje
zdravstveni radnici
Keywords (english)
mental health
health care workers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:917821
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/graduate) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-04-01 08:08:43