Abstract | Koronarne bolesti predstavljaju vodeći javnozdravstveni problem u svijetu, čineći najčešću nezaraznu bolest koja uzrokuje milijune smrtnih slučajeva godišnje. Radi se o stanju koje nastaje zbog nedostatne opskrbe srčanog mišića kisikom uslijed promjena koronarnih arterija i uključuje posljedice opstrukcije dotoka krvi u srčani mišić. Danas se ovo stanje sve više pojavljuje kod sportaša, paradigme zdravih pojedinaca, što uvelike izaziva interes javnosti. Cilj ovog rada je prema pregledanoj literaturi istražiti povezanost visoko intenzivne aktivnosti, koju provode profesionalni sportaši, sa pojavnosti koronarnih bolesti, s posebnim naglaskom na iznenadnu srčanu smrt (ISS). Za izradu ovog preglednog rada korištena je baza podataka MEDLINE putem PubMed-a gdje je nakon filtriranja dobiveno 6, odnosno 13 istraživanja među kojima je odabrano 14 istraživanja pogodnih za ovaj pregledni rad. U istraživanjima se razmatraju pitanja vezana za najčešće koronarne bolesti koje uzrokuju ISS te njenu etiologiju i učestalost. Također prema podacima iz istraživanja postavlja se pitanje utječe li spol sportaša te vrsta i intenzitet sporta kojim se bavi na pojavnost ISS-a kod istih. Istraživanja također ukazuju na mogućnost prevencije ovih iznenadnih događaja te iznose zakone o zdravstvenom pregledu kojih se sportaši moraju pridržavati kao preduvjet za bavljenje sportom. Za usporedbu su uzeti zakoni iz SAD-a, Europe te Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | Coronary diseases represent a leading public health problem worldwide, being the most common non-communicable disease that causes millions of deaths annually. It is a condition that arises due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle as a result of changes in the coronary arteries and includes the consequences of blood flow obstruction to the heart muscle. Today, this condition is increasingly appearing in athletes, who are considered paradigms of healthy individuals, which significantly attracts public interest. The aim of this paper is to explore, based on the reviewed literature, the association between high-intensity activity performed by professional athletes and the incidence of coronary diseases, with special emphasis on sudden cardiac death (SCD). The MEDLINE database via PubMed was used for the preparation of this review paper, where, after filtering, 6 or 13 studies were obtained, among which 14 studies were selected as suitable for this review. The studies examine issues related to the most common coronary diseases that cause SCD, as well as their etiology and frequency. Additionally, based on the research data, the question arises whether the athlete's gender, type, and intensity of the sport they engage in influence the incidence of SCD in them. The studies also indicate the possibility of preventing these sudden events and present the health examination regulations that athletes must adhere to as a prerequisite for engaging in sports. For comparison, laws from the USA, Europe, and Croatia were considered. |