Abstract | Uvod: Vrijeme COVID-19 pandemije obilježeno je porastom straha od zaraze, osjećajem usamljenosti i nesigurnosti, socijalnom izolacijom i financijskim brigama. Rezultati sustavnih pregleda i meta-analiza otkrivaju da je pandemija imala značajan negativan utjecaj na mentalno zdravlje ljudi. Uz navedeno, brojne studije upućuju na porast zastupljenosti depresije, anksioznosti i stresa među studentima na globalnoj razini za vrijeme pandemije.
Cilj rada: Prikazati zastupljenost simptoma depresije, anksioznosti i stresa unutar studentske populacije u Hrvatskoj za vrijeme COVID-19 pandemije.
Metode: Sustavni pregled literature učinjen je prema PRISMA smjernicama. Pretraživanje je učinjeno 5. kolovoza 2024. godine pri čemu su korištene četiri elektronske baze podataka: Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science i PsycINFO.
Rezultati: Identificirane su 154 studije, a u konačnici je 5 studija uključeno u sustavni pregled na osnovu uključnih i isključnih kriterija. Radovi koji su uključeni u sustavni pregled, za procjenu mentalnog zdravlja studenata koristili su: Skalu generaliziranog anksioznog poremećaja 7 (engl. General Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale, GAD-7), Upitnik o zdravlju pacijenta 9 (engl. 9-question Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9) i Ljestvicu depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa 21 (engl. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21, DASS-21). Sveukupno, rezultati upućuju na veliku zastupljenost simptoma depresije, anksioznosti i stresa među studentima u Hrvatskoj za vrijeme COVID-19 pandemije.
Zaključak: Među studentima u Hrvatskoj za vrijeme pandemije uočene su visoke razine negativnih emocija. Navedena opservacija naglašava potreba za provođenjem longitudinalnih studija s ciljem istraživanja rizičnih čimbenika depresije, anksioznosti i stresa među studentima. Također, ističe se nužnost razvoja strategija za prepoznavanje mentalnih poremećaja kao i potrebitost implementacije psiholoških i drugih intervencija s ciljem poboljšanja mentalnog zdravlja studenata, neovisno o završetku COVID-19 pandemije. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The period of the COVID-19 pandemic has been marked by an increase in fear of infection, feelings of loneliness and uncertainty, social isolation, and financial concerns. The results of systematic reviews and meta-analyses reveal that the pandemic has had a significant negative impact on people's mental health. Additionally, numerous studies indicate that the pandemic has significantly increased the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among students globally.
Aim: To present the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress among the student population in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. The search was carried out on August 5, 2024, using four electronic databases: Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycINFO.
Results: A total of 154 studies were identified, and ultimately, 5 studies were included in the systematic review based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies included in the systematic review used the following tools to assess students' mental health: the General Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7), the 9-question Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). The results of the cross-sectional studies indicate a high prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress among students in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusion: High levels of negative emotions were observed among students in Croatia during the pandemic. This observation highlights the need for conducting longitudinal studies to investigate the risk factors for depression, anxiety, and stress among students. Additionally, it underscores the necessity of developing strategies for recognizing mental disorders and the need for implementing psychological and other interventions to improve students' mental health, regardless of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. |