Abstract | Uvod: Karcinom dojke u modernom svijetu predstavlja veliki izazov i javnozdravstveni problem jer je to jedan od najčešće dijagnosticiranih karcinoma kod žena, ali sve češće i kod muškaraca . Svake godine od karcinoma dojke oboli više od dva milijuna žena u svijetu, a u Hrvatskoj više od dvije tisuće. Ovaj karcinom jednako pogađa žene u svim dijelovima svijeta samo je smrtnost manja u razvijenim zemljama jer je dijagnostika razvijena i dostupna te važnu ulogu imaju preventivni postupci i edukacija žena koje razvijene zemlje standardizirano provode. Rekonstrukcija dojki kod žena koje su podvrgnute mastektomiji zbog karcinoma može se napraviti u istom aktu kada i mastektomija ili pak postupak rekonstrukcije može biti odgođen za drugi akt ukoliko je potrebna priprema kože ekspanderom ili postoji neka druga problematika koja zahtjeva odgođenu rekonstrukciju.
Cilj: Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati epidemiološke i socioekonomske parametre kod pacijentica oboljelih od karcinoma dojke koji utječu na odluku istih o rekonstrukciji odstranjene dojke
Rezultati: Prosječna dob ispitanica bila je 54 (47 - 62) godine, veći je udio udanih (u bračnom statusu) ispitanica (72.6%). Većina ispitanica ima srednju stručnu spremu (54.8%), živi u gradu (urbanom području) (69.6%) te je zaposlen (63.9%). Prosječna duljina hospitalizacije iznosila je 5 (4 - 6) dana. Većini bolesnica dojka je rekonstruirana u jednom aktu (primarna rekonstrukcija) implantatom (81,4 %) dok je kod 18,6 % bolesnica rađena sekundarna rekonstrukcija najčešće ekspadnerom. Ponovljena hospitalizacija i operacija bili su potrebni u 16.6% pacijentica. Odluka o primarnoj rekonstrukciji nije bila statistički značajno povezana s dobi (P=0.803), bračnim statusom (P=0.767), obrazovanjem (P=0.366), prebivalištem (P=0.901) niti radnim statusom (P=0.934) ispitanica.
Zaključak: Znatno veću učestalost ženskih ispitanica koje su pristale na rekonstrukciju dojki nakon operacije karcinoma dojke u životnoj dobi starijoj od 50 godina, u bračnom statusu to jest udane, žive u gradu(urbanom području) i koje su pristale na rekonstrukcija u jednom aktu (primarna rekonstrukcija). |
Abstract (english) | Objective:In the modern world, breast cancer represents a great challenge and a public health problem, as it is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers in women, but increasingly also in men. Every year, more than two million women in the world get breast cancer, and more than two thousand in Croatia. This cancer affects women equally in all parts of the world, only the mortality rate is lower in developed countries because diagnostics are developed and available, and preventive procedures and education of women, which are standardized in developed countries, have an important role. Breast reconstruction in women who have undergone a mastectomy due to cancer can be done in the same act as the mastectomy, or the reconstruction procedure can be postponed for another act if it is necessary to prepare the skin with an expander or there is some other problem that requires delayed reconstruction.
Objective: The objective of this thesis is to present the epidemiological and socioeconomic parameters in patients with breast cancer that influence their decision to reconstruct a removed breast.
Results: The average age of the respondents was 54 (47 - 62) years, the proportion of married (in marital status) respondents was higher (72.6%). Most of the respondents have a secondary education (54.8%), live in a city (urban area) (69.6%) and are employed (63.9%). The average length of hospitalization was 5 (4 - 6) days. Most of the patients had their breast reconstructed in one act (primary reconstruction) with an implant (81.4%), while in 18.6% of the patients, secondary reconstruction was performed, most often with an expander. Repeated hospitalization and surgery were required in 16.6% of patients. The decision on primary reconstruction was not statistically significantly related to the age (P=0.803), marital status (P=0.767), education (P=0.366), place of residence (P=0.901) or work status (P=0.934) of the respondents.
Conclusion: Significantly higher frequency of female respondents who agreed to breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery at an age older than 50, in marital status, i.e. married, living in a city (urban area) and who agreed to reconstruction in one act (primary reconstruction) . |