Title Prisutnost i obilježja hipotireoze u slučajno odabranom uzorku ispitanika s područja Splita
Author Paula Ivančević
Mentor Tatijana Zemunik (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Franić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatijana Zemunik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod
Štitna žlijezda ili štitnjača je neparna endokrina žlijezda koja je smještena uz grkljan i dušnik.Sastoji se od dva režnja koji su povezani središnjim uskim dijelom žlijezde. Građena je od parenhima,koji sadrži koloid, i strome. Koloid sadrži hormone koji se pod utjecajem hipofize luče u obliku trijodtironina (T3) i tiroksina (T4). Odvajanjem od podjedinice globulina nastaju slobodne forme ovih hormona, fT3 i fT4 koje mogu ući u stanicu. Oba hormona imaju bitan utjecaj na funkcioniranje
... More cijelog ljudskog organizma. Poremećajem funkcije rada tih hormona dolazi do razvoja bolesti štitnjače. Hipotireoidizam nastaje zbog manjka tireoidnih hormona, a hipertireoidizam zbog prevelikog lučenja spomenutih hormona. Moguć je i razvoj autoimunosnih bolesti poput Hashimoto thyroiditisa (hipotireoza) ili Gravesove bolesti (hipertireoza). Dijagnoza ovih bolesti se postavlja na temelju kliničkih simptoma koji su karakteristični za svaku bolest te laboratorijskih nalaza kojima se mjeri razina hormona (TSH, fT3, fT4) i protutijela (MsAt i TgAt) u krvi.
Cilj rada
Ciljevi ovog rada bili su na sliučajnom uzorku odrediti broj osoba koji se liječe od od hipotireoze te broj onih koji imaju neprepoznatu hipotireozu, povišena antitijela štitnjače ali su eutireozi, onih koji imaju tireotoksikozu i onih koji imaju primarnu hipotireozu. Također je cilj bio odrediti razine hormona u svim skupinama.
Materijal i metode
U ovom radu je uključeno 1012 ispitanika koji su sudjelovali u projektu ,,10 001 Dalmatinac“ na Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu. Ispitanici koji su mogli biti uključeni u studiju su trebali biti dobne starosti između 18 i 85 godina. Svim ispitanicima je izmjerena razina MsAt i TgAt protutijela u plazmi i hormona (TSH, fT3 i fT4) koji su određeni imunoesej metodom.
Naši rezultati su pokazali da se među 1012 ispitanika 41 ispitanik liječi od hipotireoze, 226 ispitanika ima povišenu razinu antitijela štitnjače, a 10 ispitanika ima razinu antitijela u plazmi u granicama referentnih vrijednosti, ali razina hormona ukazuje na hipotireozu. Među ispitanicima koji imaju povećana antitijela u plazmi 6,3% ispitanika ima neprepoznatu hipotireozu, 15,5% ih je u eutireozi, a 0,4% ima tireotoksikozu koja se potencijalno može razviti u hipertireozu. Pokazali smo da u gotovo svim skupinama ima signifikantno više žena. Usporedili smo i dobivene rezultate razine hormona u krvi koji pokazuju da najvišu koncentraciju TSH imaju ispitanici s neprepoznatom hipotireozom, a najvišu koncentraciju fT3 i fT4 imaju kontrolni, odnosno zdravi ispitanici.
U raspravi diskutiramo o dobivenim rezultatima našeg istraživanja i uspoređujemo ih s rezultatima drugih sličnih studija. Proučavajući tuđe rezultate uvidjeli smo da se naši rezultati slažu s incidencijom dobivenom iz drugih studija. Rezultati su očekivani i statistički se podudaraju ukazivajući na porast incidencije hipotireoze koja dominira u žena, ali zahvaća i dio muške populacije.
Dobili smo rezultate na sve postavljene ciljeve ovog rada. Izmjerene su razine protutijela i hormona svim ispitanicima koji su sudjelovali u ovoj studiji, a informacije koje smo otkrili su u skladu s očekivanim.
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Abstract (english) Introduction
The thyroid gland is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body, and consists of two connected lobes. It is found in the anterior neck, below the laryngeal prominence. It consists of parenchyma, and a stroma. The parenhim is composed of spherical follicles that contain colloid. Colloid is rich in a protein called thyroglobulin. The thyroid makes two hormones T4 and T3 that are secretes into the blood stream. fT3 and fT4 are formed by the separation of globulin subunit and
... More they can enter the cell. Both hormones influence the metabolism of all body cells. Hyperthyroidism occurs if too much of the thyroid hormones are secreted and the body cells work faster than normal. On the other hand if too little of the thyroid hormones are produced (known as hypothyroidism), the cells and organs slow down. Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid disorders may occur as a result of autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves disease. The diagnosis of these diseases is based on clinical symptoms and laboratory reports of hormone levels (TSH, fT3, fT4) and antibodies (MsAt and TgAt) in blood.
The objectives of this study were to determine the number of people in the randomly selected sample being treated for hypothyroidism and the number of those who have unrecognized hypothyroidism, elevated thyroid antibodies but are euthyroid, those who have thyrotoxicosis and those with primary hypothyroidism. The aim of this study was also to determine hormone levels in all groups.
Materials and Methods
This study included 1012 individuals, age between 18 and 85, who were participants in the project ,,10 001 Dalmatian“ implemented on the Medical faculty in Split. In the plasma of all individuals antibody (MsAt and TgAt) thyroid hormone levels (TSH, fT3 and fT4) were determined with immunoassay method.
Our results showed that among the 1012 participants, 41 were treated for hypothyroidism, 226 individuals had elevated levels of thyroid antibodies, and 10 individuals had a level of antibodies in the plasma within the reference value, but hormone levels indicate hypothyroidism. Among individuals who had increased antibodies in the plasma 6.3% had unrecognized hypothyroidism, 15.5% were euthyroid, and 0.4% have thyrotoxicosis that could potentially develop in hyperthyroidism. We have shown that in almost all groups were significantly more women. We also compared the results of hormone blood levels in all groups that indicate that the highest concentration of TSH showed individuals with unrecognized hypothyroidism, and the highest concentration of FT3 and FT4 have control, healthy subjects.
In the discussion section we compared obtained results of our study with results of other similar studies. We realized that our results were in concordance with incidence of hypothyroidism obtained in other studies. Results indicated an increase incidence of hypothyroidism which is dominated in women, but also affecting the part of the male population.
We received the results for all seated goals. The hormone and antibody levels showed expected values for each group. Less
štitna žlijezda
endokrina žlijezda
Keywords (english)
the thyroid gland
endocrine glands
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:718973
Study programme Title: Medical Laboratory Diagnostics (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medicinska laboratorijska dijagnostika)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-01 10:30:41