Title Vrste i mehanizmi oštećenja stanica ionizirajućim zračenjem
Title (english) Types and Mechanisms of Cell Damage by Ionizing Radiation
Author Lovre Perić
Mentor Stipan Janković (mentor)
Committee member Frane Mihanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Lovrić Kojundžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stipan Janković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2014-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Prilikom prolaska zračenja kroz materiju dolazi do njihova međudjelovanja i kao posljedica mijenjaju se svojstva zračenja i materije. Ionizacija atoma najznačajniji je učinak zračenja te ga stoga nazivamo ionizirajuće zračenje. Izravna ionizacija nastaje kada električki nabijene čestice ili fotoni iz neutralnog atoma izbace elektron. Rezultat tog izbacivanja su slobodni negativni elektron i pozitivno nabijeni atom. Posredna ionizacija nastaje kada neutralne čestice ili fotoni iz atoma izbace elektron, a taj elektron ima dovoljno energije da dalje ionizira atome. Pokazatelj stupnja ionizacije je broj ioniziranih parova stvorenih po duljini puta čestice ili fotona koji prolazi kroz određenu materiju. Prolaskom elektromagnetskog zračenja kroz materiju najčešće dolazi do fotoelektričnog efekta, Comptonovog efekta i tvorbe parova elektron-pozitron. Fotoelektrični efekt je pojava u kojoj foton, čija je energija veća od energije vezivanja elektrona u atomu, preda svu energiju elektronu, čime elektron napušta atom, a foton prestaje postojati. Comptonov efekt je pojava pri kojoj foton predaje samo dio svoje energije elektronu i nastavlja daljnji put manje energetske vrijednosti. Tvorba para elektron-pozitron jest pojava koja nastaje samo ako je energija fotona veća od 1,02 MeV. Prodre li takav foton do jezgre atoma, u njezinoj blizini pretvori se u dvije čestice – u elektron i u pozitron. Nakon vrlo kratkog vremena, nastali se pozitron spaja s nekim od elektrona iz okoline i pritom nestaju obje čestice, a nastaju dva fotona suprotnih smjerova gibanja. Vjerojatnost pojavljivanja jedne od navedenih pojava ovisi o energiji upadnog fotona i čestice. Pri niskim energijama događa se uglavnom fotoelektrični efekt, pri višim energijama fotona prevladava Comptonov efekt, a pri energijama većima od oko 5 MeV prevladava tvorba parova.
Učinci ionizirajućeg zračenja na organizam mogu nastati direktnim djelovanjem na molekule organizma ili indirektnim putem djelujući na molekule vode (radioliza) čiji slobodni radikali štetno djeluju na druge molekule tijela. Oštećenja i simptomi iradijacije mogu se manifestirati ubrzo nakon izlaganja zračenju ili nakon određenog perioda. Zračenje može izazvati kancerogenezu, leukemogena oštećenja, teratogena i genska oštećenja. Određene bolesti mogu nastati akumuliranjem zračenja kroz mnogobrojna snimanja, a pri tom se ozračene stanice nisu uspjele oporaviti, ili oštećenja mogu nastati pri neznatnim dozama, ali dovoljno velikima da utječu na normalan rast i razmnožavanje stanice. Najosjetljivije su stanice koje se brzo dijele i koje nisu dobro diferencirane.
Ionizirajuće zračenje treba koristiti oprezno, profesionalno i savjesno, imajući u vidu što bolju zaštitu svih izloženih. Postoje mnogobrojne organizacije, zakoni i principi koji ukazuju na potrebe pažljivog rukovanja radiološkim uređajima. Profesionalno osoblje treba educirati bolesnike o mogućim rizicima izlaganja ionizacijskim zračenjima i izvorima zračenja. Posebna kategorija zaštite su trudnice i mala djeca kod kojih najmanje doze zračenja mogu biti jako opasne. Stanovništvo je stalno izloženo zračenju jer je ono prisutno u mnogobrojnim prirodnim izvorima, ali možemo smanjiti sveukupnu primljenu dozu smanjivanjem neopravdanih izlaganja radiološkim dijagnostičkim i terapijskim pretragama, uzimajući u obzir opravdanost i objektivnu potrebu za pretragom u odnosu na štetnost i opasnost od zračenja.
Abstract (english) During the passage of radiation through matter comes to their interactions, which resulted in changing the properties of matter and radiation. Ionization of atoms is the most important effect which is caused by the radiation, so it is called ionizing radiation. Direct ionization occurs when electrically charged particles or photons from neutral atoms remove an electron. The result of this expulsion are free negative electrons and positively charged atoms. Indirect ionization occurs when neutral particles or photons from atoms remove an electron and the electron has enough energy to further ionize atoms. Indicator of the degree of ionization is the number of ionized pairs created by the particles or photons passing through a particular matter. During passage of electromagnetic radiation through the matter usually couses photoelectric effect, Compton effect and the formation of electron-positron pairs. Photoelectric effect is phenomenon which can appear when energy of radiaton photon is greater than the binding energy of electrons in atom. Photon emits all the energy to the electron, thus the electron leaves the atom and the photon stop to exist. Compton effect is a phenomenon in which a photon transmit only part of its energy to an electron, and continues to go further with another direction and with less energy values. The formation of an electron-positron pair is a phenomenon that occurs only if the photon energy is greater than 1.2 MeV. In case where photon penetrat to the nucleus, in its vicinity turns into two particles - electrons and positrons. After a very short time, the positron combines with some of the electrons from the environment and thereby both particles disappear. As a result of their disappearance two photons with opposite directions of motion are formed. The probability of occurrence of one of these phenomena depend on the energy of the incident photons and particles. At low energies occurs mainly photoelectric effect, Compton effect dominated at higher photon energies, and at photon energies greater than about 5 MeV predominant is formation of pairs. Effects of ionizing radiation on the human body can occur by direct action on the macromolecules of the body or by indirectly acting on the molecules of water (radiolysis) whose free harmful radicals damage other molecules of the body. Irradiation damage and symptoms can manifest soon after radiation exposure or after a longer period. Radiation can cause carcinogenesis, leukemias damage, teratogenic and genetic damage. Some diseases can be caused by the accumulating of radiation through numerous exposures, in which irradiated cells failed to recover. Also, damage may appear as a result of minor doses, but those doses are large enough to affect the normal growth of cells and their multiplications. Most sensitive cells are not well differentiated and those which reproduce rapidly.
Ionizing radiation should be used carefully, professionally and conscientiously, bearing in mind protection for all who are exposed. There are many organizations, laws and principles that indicate the importance of careful handling with radiological devices. Professional staff should educate patients about the potential risks caused by ionizing radiation and radioactive sources. Special categories of protection are pregnant women and young children for whome the smallest doses of radiation can be very dangerous. The population is constantly exposed to radiation because it is present in many natural resources, but we can reduce the overall recived doses by reducing unjustified exposure to radiological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, taking into account the objective justification and need for examination in relation to the harm and danger of radiation.
ionizacija atoma
Keywords (english)
ionization of atoms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:852207
Study programme Title: Radiologic Technology (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-09 07:21:29