Abstract | CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti stavove studenata Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija Split i studenata Medicinskog fakulteta, Sveučilišta u Splitu o starijim osobama te istražiti utjecaj različitih čimbenika (demografske odrednice, suživot sa starijim osobama i obrazovanje) na stavove budućih zdravstvenih djelatnika prema starijim osobama i procesu starenja.
METODE: Mjerni instrument za ovo istraživanje bio je on-line upitnik koji je uz osnovne demografske odrednice koristio i Kogan ljestvicu stavova prema starijim osobama. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni studenti preddiplomskog i diplomskog studijskog programa – Sestrinstvo, Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija, Sveučilišta u Splitu (studenti: prve, druge i treće godine preddiplomskog studija i prve i druge godine diplomskog studija) te studenti Medicinskog fakulteta, Sveučilišta u Splitu diplomskog integriranog studijskog programa Medicina i Dentalna medicina (studenti: prve, druge, treće, četvrte, pete i šeste godine studija), kao i studenti studijskog programa Farmacija (studenti: prve, druge, treće, četvrte i pete godine).
REZULTATI: Naši rezultati su pokazali da obje skupine studenata imaju neutralne stavove prema starijim osobama. Temeljem seta od 34 tvrdnje dobiva se ukupna razina na Kogan ljestvici 128,69 bodova, gdje je srednja vrijednost 127 bodova. Za 1,4 boda je veća razina na Kogan ljestvici kod ispitanika koji su pohađali predmet iz područja gerijatrije u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu pohađali predmet iz područja gerijatrije(t=0,97; P=0,332). Ispitanici s prebivalištem u gradskom/prigradskom naselju imaju za 1,8 bodova veću razinu na Kogan ljestvici u odnosu na ispitanike sa prebivalištem u seoskom naselju (t=0,87; P=0,385). Ispitanici s kroničnom bolesti imaju za 2,1 boda veću srednju vrijednost na Kogan ljestvici u odnosu na ispitanike koji nemaju kroničnu bolest (t=0,86; P=0,389). Ispitanici koji imaju iskustvo života sa starijom osobom imaju za 1,8 manju vrijednost na Kogan ljestvici u odnosu na ispitanike koji nemaju iskustvo života sa starijom osobom (t=1,08; P=0,281).
ZAKLJUČAK: Prema dobivenim rezultatima možemo zaključiti da ispitanici imaju neutralne stavove, ali unatoč tome i dalje treba raditi na dodatnoj edukaciji iz područja gerijatrije, kao i većoj interrakciji sa starijim osobama tijekom praktičnog dijela obrazovanja budućih zdravstvenih djelatnika. |
Abstract (english) | OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the attitudes of students of the University Department of Health Studies Split and students of the School of Medicine, University of Split on the elderly and to investigate the impact of various factors (demographics, coexistence with the elderly and education) on the attitudes of future health professionals towards the elderly and the aging process.
METHODS: The measuring instrument for this research was an online questionnaire which, in addition to basic demographic determinants, also used the Kogan scale of attitudes towards the elderly. The research included students of the undergraduate and graduate study program of Nursing, University Department of Health Studies, University of Split (first, second and third year undergraduate students and first and second year graduate students),students of the integrated graduate study program of Medicine and Dental Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Split (first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth year students) together with students of the study program of Pharmacy (first, second, third, fourth and fifth year students).
RESULTS: Our results showed that both groups of students have neutral attitudes towards the elderly. Based on a set of 34 statements, the overall level on the Kogan scale is 128.69 points, where the mean is 127 points. The level on the Kogan scale was 1.4 points higher in the subjects who attended the course in the field of geriatrics compared to the respondents who did not attend the course in the field of geriatrics (t = 0.97; P=0.332). Respondents residing in urban/suburban settlements had a 1.8points higher level on the Kogan scale compared to respondents residing in rural settlements (t = 0.87; P=0.385). Respondents with chronic disease had a 2.1 points higher mean on the Kogan scale compared to subjects without chronic disease (t = 0.86; P=0.389). Respondents who had experience of living with an elderly person had a 1.8 lower value on the Kogan scale compared to respondents who did not have experience of living with an elderly person (t = 1.08; P=0.281).
CONCLUSION: According to the obtained results, we can conclude that the respondents have neutral attitudes towards elderdy, but despite that we still need to work on additional education in the field of geriatrics,as well as greater interaction with the elderly during the practical part of education of future health professionals. |