Title Sestrinska njega u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj Uniji, statistički pregled i analiza
Author Patricija Zolota
Mentor Benjamin Benzon (mentor)
Committee member Mario Podrug (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Aljinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Benjamin Benzon (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je bio definirati pojmove sestrinstva i sestrinske njege te analizirati razlike u standardu sestrinske njege u Republici Hrvatskoj i pojedinim državama Europske Unije. Definicija sestrinstva kao i sama struka su se razvijale kroz povijest počevši od 16. stoljeća do dana današnjeg. Postoje mnoge definicije, ali prije svega medicinska sestra je samostalan zdravstveni djelatnik koji pomaže i zdravom i bolesnom (2). Najistaknutije osobe sestrinstva kroz povijest su Florence Nightingale koja je rekla da je sestrinska njega: “Osiguravanje najboljih mogućih uvjeta, da bi prirodne snage ozdravljenja mogle djelovati na bolesnika“, te Virginia Henderson koja kaže da je:“ Jedinstvena uloga medicinske sestre pomagati pojedincu, bolesnom ili zdravom u obavljanju onih aktivnosti koje pridonose zdravlju ili oporavku (ili mirnoj smrti), a koje bi pojedinac obavljao samostalno kada bi imao potrebnu snagu, volju ili znanje.“
Postoje značajne razlike u sestrinstvu među članicama država Europske unije. Najboljim brojem medicinskih sestara na 1000 stanovnika može se pohvaliti Švicarska (18) kao i najboljim omjerom medicinskih sestara i liječnika (4,3). Svega 15% medicinskih sestara u Švicarskoj se žali na emocionalnu iscrpljenost. Unatoč zavidnim razlikama poprilično je visok stupanj medicinskih sestara s namjerom napuštanja posla (28%) odnosno profesije (24%). Najteže je medicinskim sestrama u Grčkoj gdje je svega 3,2 medicinskih sestara na 1000 stanovnika te je omjer s liječnicima 1,5. Od obrađenih zemalja u ovom radu može se vidjeti da su u Hrvatskoj najniža izdavanja na zdravstvo po glavi stanovnika, odnosno 1241 euro, dok je u Švicarskoj najviše s 6978,26 eura po glavi stanovnika (15).
Biti medicinska sestra nije samo struka nego i poziv. S toga je izuzetno bitno podići razine medicinskih sestara u svim državama, pružiti im mogućnosti boljeg obrazovanja i napredovanja u karijeri te im omogućiti bolje uvjete rada koji će smanjiti razine emocionalne iscrpljenosti i stresa.
Abstract (english) The aim of this work was to define the concepts of nursing and nursing care and to analyze the differences in the standard of nursing care in the Republic of Croatia and other countries of the European Union. The definition of nursing as well as the profession itself have evolved throughout history from the 16th century to the present day. There are many definitions, but above all, a nurse is an independent health professional who helps both the healthy and the sick (2).The most prominent people in nursing throughout history are Florence Nightingale who said: "Ensuring the best possible conditions, so that the natural healing forces can act on the patient", and Virginia Henderson, who says: “The unique role of the nurse is to help an individual, sick or healthy, perform those activities that contribute to health or recovery (or peaceful death), which the individual would perform independently if he or she had the necessary strength, will or knowledge."
There are significant differences in nursing among EU member states. Switzerland boasts the best number of nurses per 1000 inhabitants(18), as well as the best ratio of nurses and doctors (4.3). Only 15% of nurses in Switzerland complain of emotional exhaustion. Despite the enviable differences, there is a fairly high rate of nurses in tending to leave the job (28%) or profession (24%). It is the most difficult for nurses in Greece, where there are only 3.2 nurses per 1,000 inhabitants and the ratio to doctors is 1.5. From the countries covered in this paperwork, it can be seen that in Croatia the lowest health expenditures per capita are 1241 euros, while in Switzerland is the highest, 6978.26 euros per capita (15).
Being a nurse is not only a profession but also a vocation. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise the levels of nurses in all countries, provide them with opportunities for better education and career advancement, and provide them with better working conditions that will reduce levels of emotional exhaustion and stress.
sestrinska njega
Keywords (english)
nursing care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:708712
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-02-03 07:27:59