Abstract | Trudnoća je normalan fiziološki proces koji u tijelu žene izaziva niz anatomskih i fizioloških promjena. Ona nije bolest, već promijenjeno zdravo stanje. Te promjene koje se događaju u organizmu tijekom trudnoće uglavnom su reverzibilne i vraćaju se u stanje prije trudnoće. Iako se u trudnoći zbiva niz malih fizioloških prilagodbi, promjene se često grupiraju prema razdoblju gestacije, tj. prva i posljednja polovina , tri trimestra ili četiri četvrtine trudnoće. Humani korionski gonadotropin otkriva se u serumu i urinu u roku od nekoliko dana nakon usađivanja zametka. Potrebe fetusa mogu udvostručiti zahtjeve za hranjivim tvarima. Međutim, trudnoću prate poteškoće koje su normalna pojava, a ukoliko su u većoj mjeri izraženi, žena ih svojim ponašanjem i postupcima može uvelike umanjiti ili postići da potpuno nestanu. Trudnoća se sastoji od niza malih, stalnih promjena koje utječu na metabolizam svih hranjivih tvari. Nadalje, trudnoća je samo jedna faza reproduktivnog ciklusa u žene. Osim toga, u trudnoći se mogu pojaviti i bolesti koje predstavljaju opasnost za majku i dijete. Edukacija trudnice je jako važna jer nam služi da otklonimo čimbenike rizika i da trudnoća protekne u što boljem i zdravijem okruženju. Sve je više dokaza da je razdoblje prije trudnoće najbolje vrijeme za pripremu za potrebe trudnoće. Treba svakako utvrditi politiku javnog zdravstva koja će osigurati kvalitetnu prehranu majke tijekom svih faza reproduktivnog ciklusa- prije trudnoće, tijekom trudnoće, laktacije, ali i nakon laktacije. Da bi antenatalna zaštita bila potpuna, neizostavna je i antenatalna dijagnostika. U slučaju sumnje na kongenitalne anomalije trudnici se savjetuju određene metode antenatalne dijagnostike. Te metode mogu bit neinvazivne i invazivne.
Neinvazivne metode su: dvostruki i trostruki test, nifty test, ultrazvk, amnioskopija, kardiotokografija. Invazivne metode su: amniocenteza, biopsija korionskih resica, kordocenteza. Deset kliničkih pregleda u trudnoći, uz obvezna tri do četiri ultrazvučna pregleda tijekom trudnoće, te rutinske laboratorijske pokazatelje, nadopunjenje ciljanim biokemijskim biljezima, postupci su dobrog antenatalnog nadzora uredne i ugrožene trudnoće. Drži se da je intenzivan nadzor tijekom trudnoće i porođaja te djece nakon rođenja potreban u oko 15 % trudnoća (1) . |
Abstract (english) | Pregnancy is a normal physiological proces in a woman’s body that causes lots of anatomical and physiological changes. It is not a disease but it is a state of changed health. These changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are reversible and they return in time before the pregnancy. Although the pregnancy going on a series of small physiological adaptations, changes are often grouped according to the period of gestation, first and last half, three trimesters or four quarters of pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin is detected in serum and urine within a few days after implantation of the embryo. The needs of the fetus can double the requirements for nutrients. However pregnancy is accompained by some problems which are normal, and if they expressed to a better extent, woman can, by their behavior and actions largely diminish problems. Pregnancy is a row of small, permanent changes affecting the metabolism of nutrients. Furthermore, pregnancy is a single phase of the reproductive cycle in women. In addition, pregnancy can occur and diseads that pose a risk for mother and child. Education of pregnant women is important because it serves to remove the risk factors, if any, that’s a lapse of pregnancy without complications are better and healthier environment. There is increasing evidence that the period before pregnancy, the best time to prepare for the needs of pregnancy. Be sure to establish public health policy that will provide good nutrition mother during all phases of the reproductive ciklusa- before pregnancy, during pregnancy, lactation, and after weaning. Antenatal diagnosis is very important part of antenatal care. In the case of suspected congenital anomalies it needs to be done certain methods of antenatal diagnosis. These methods will be non-invasive and invasive.
Non-invasive methods are: Double and triple test, a nifty test, ultrasound, amnioscopy, cardiotocography.
Invasive methods are amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, cordocentesis.
Ten clinical examinations during pregnancy, with the required three to four ultrasound examinations during pregnancy, and routine laboratory parameters, replenishment target biochemical markers, procedures are good antenatal surveillance neat and endangered pregnancy. It is believed that the intensive monitoring during pregnancy and childbirth and child after birth required in about 15% of pregnancies (1). |