Title Tehničko tehnološke karakteristike uređaja za snimanje orofacijalnog područja
Author Davor Bubica
Mentor Frane Mihanović (mentor)
Committee member Ljubica Žunić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tatjana Matijaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Frane Mihanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2018-06-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Hibridni dentalni uređaji objedinjuju CBCT, digitalni ortopantomograf i digitalni cefalograf. Donedavno je za svaku tu tehniku snimanja bio potreban posebni uređaj, ili su bili uglavnom u kombinaciji ortopantomograf i cefalograf, no ovakvi uređaji ne samo da objedinjuju najnoviju tehnologiju, već pružaju dijagnostičaru u dentalnoj medicini bezbroj mogućnosti i kompletan uvid u bilo koji segment orofacijalne regije kod planiranja terapije. Svojim zanimljivim i besprijekornim dizajnom uistinu su itekako zanimljivi i prihvatljivi pacijentima svih dobnih skupina, a u praktičnom smislu štede na prostoru.
Uređaji najnovije generacije ujedinjuje naprednu tehnologiju i jednostavnost korištenja. Najnapredniji hibridni dentalni uređaji su „tri u jedan“ što bi značilo da jedan uređaj ima mogućnost snimanja dvodimenzionalnih digitalnih snimki ortopantomograma i cefalograma (2D) i CBCT-a (trodimenzionalna (3D)) (1). Upravo takvi uređaji pružaju jednostavnost pozicioniranja pacijenta i odabira željenog programa snimanja uz stalni kontakt s pacijentom „lice u lice“. To je izuzetno važno kod pacijenata koji često zbog klaustrofobije razvijaju osjećaj anksioznosti i nemira. Ovako otvoren način suradnje radiološkog tehnologa i pacijenta vodi osjećaju ugode kod pacijenta, brzoj izvedbi snimanja i u konačnici izvanrednim snimkama.
Prateći sva područja primjene možemo i ovdje naglasiti njegove prednosti, a to su: nove mogućnosti dijagnostike i liječenja, konusna zraka koja omogućava temeljitiji pregled, istodobno skeniranje obje čeljusti u samo jednoj rotaciji oko objekta, kratko vrijeme izvedbe, točna i precizna anatomska i patološka informacija, bolja kvaliteta slike i prostorne rezolucije, manja cijena, potreba manjeg prostora za smještaj samog uređaja, manja doza zračenja, udobnost za pacijenta u vrijeme snimanja, lakša suradnja s pacijentom, smanjen šum i artefakt na samoj snimci, te veće mogućnosti manipuliranja (poboljšanje kvalitete) slike.
Abstract (english) Hybrid dental devices combine CBCT, digital orthopantomograph and a digital cephalogram. Until recently a special device was needed for each of the mentioned techniques, or orthopantomograph and cephalogram were combined, however these kinds of new devices not only unify the latest technology they also provide the diagnostician with numerous possibilities and complete insight in any given section of orofacial region when planning a therapy. With its interesting and impeccable design it is acceptable to the patients of all ages and they also save space as well.
The devices of the latest generation unify the advanced technology and the simplicity of utilization. The most advanced hybrid dental devices are 3 in 1 devices meaning that one device has the possibility of producing two-dimensional digital imaging of the orthopantomograph and cephalogram (2D) and of the CBCT (three-dimensional) (1). The devices of this sort simplify the positioning of the patient as well as the choice of the programme needed to obtain the wanted image maintaining a constant face to face contact with the patient. This is extremely important with the patients who because of claustrophobia develop a sense of anxiety and distress. This manner of cooperation of the radiology technician and the patient provides sense of calmness with the patient, swift performance and finally images of extraordinary quality.
Given all the fields of application we can emphasize its advantages and these are namely new possibilities of diagnostics and treatment, cone ray that allows more thorough examination simultaneously scanning both jaws at the single rotation around the object, short time of performance, the accurate and precise piece of information, better quality of the image and spatial resolution, more convenient price, it also requires less space, smaller dosage of radiation, comfort of the patient while obtaining the image, easier cooperation with the patient, reduced noise and artefact in the image itself and larger possibilities of manipulating (improving the quality) of the image.
tehničko tehnološke karakteristike uređaja
snimanje orofacijalnog područja
uređaj (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
technical and technological characteristics of the device
recording of the orofacial area
device (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:181109
Study programme Title: Radiologic Technology (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-05-14 09:44:29