Title Zdravstvena njega djeteta s atopijskim dermatitisom
Author Božena Bitunjac
Mentor Neira Puizina Ivić (mentor)
Committee member Neira Puizina Ivić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Marendić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rahela Orlandini (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2019-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Koža kao najveći organ u ljudskom tijelu i sastoji se od tri sloja epidermis, dermisisupkutano masno tkivo. Ona služi kao posrednik za osjetilo mehaničkih, toplinskih ikemijskih oštećenja te ima zaštitnu zadaću.Atopijskidermatitis je kronična upalna bolest kože koja je u djece udružena s drugim atopijskim bolestima.Karakterizira je izraziti svrbež,crvenilo kože, suha koža te tendencija čestih vraćanja simptoma
Stvarni uzrok bolesti nije poznat, ali se najčešće pojavnost bolesti očituje u
... More zemljama koje su visoko razvijene i industrijalizirane dok je daleko rjeđi u nerazvijenim zemljama.Nasljeđe je dokazano pri čemu je najjači čimbenik. Klinička slika i anamneza su temelj za postavljanje dijagnoze atopijskogdermatitisa. Da bi se potvrdila dijagnoza atopijskog dermatitisa kliničkoj slici trebaju biti prisutna tri glavna obilježja bolesti te tri sporedna. Dijagnostički radimo alergološku obradu za dokazivanjeIgE protutijela, PRIST i RAST, prick test i patch test.
Liječenje bolesti je multidisciplinarno i simptomatsko te samo dobra suradnja izmeđuroditelja i zdravstvenih radnika imat će pozitivne rezultate i spriječiti će nastanak komplikacija bolesti. Potrebno je izbjegavati alergene koji dovode do pogoršanja bolesti. U terapiji koristimo antibiotike, kortikosteroide, antihistaminike, lokalne imunomodulatore. Jako dobre rezultate u smirivanju simptoma imamo prilikom primjene fototerapije, klimatoterapije i haloterapije. Kožu je potrebno neprestano njegovati vlažnim kremama.
Medicinska sestra je ta koja educiraoboljele(roditelje ili skrbnike) i omogućuje psihološku podršku koja je veoma bitna zbog kroničnog tijeka bolesti. Najčešće se javlja anksioznost kao neugodno emocionalno stanje nervoze i nelagode. Zadatak medicinske sestre je pružiti podršku bolesnicima, pokazati razumijevanje, stvoriti osjećaj povjerenja te ih poticati na izražavanje svojih osjećaja i strahova.
Potrebne su kontinuirane izobrazbe zdravstvenih radnika i oboljelih koje se provode kroz škole atopijegdje osim novih saznanja oboljeli razmjenjuju mišljenja /iskustva. Less
Abstract (english) Skin as largest human organ is made of three layers epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat tissue. Skin serves as intermediary sensor for mechanical, heat and chemical damages and has function to protect. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin illness that in children is associated with other atopic diseases. It is characterized by pronounced itching, skin redness, dry skin and tendency of frequent symptoms return.
The actual cause of the disease is unknown, but the most
... More common manifestation of illness is manifested in countries that are highly developed and industrialized, while far fewer in under developed countries. The genetic heritage is proven and female parent is most common etiology factor. Clinical picture and history are the basis for the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis. In order to confirm the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis there should be three main features and three side-effects of the disease present in the clinical picture. We diagnose allergy treatment for IgE antibody detection, PRIST and RAST, prick test and patch.
Treatment of the disease is multidisciplinary and symptomatic and only good co-operation between parents and medical staff will have positive results and will prevent the onset of complications of the disease. Allergens that lead to worsening of the disease need to be avoided. In therapy we use antibiotics, corticosteroids, antihistamines, localimmunomodulators. Very good results in calming the symptoms occur when applying phototherapy, climatotherapy and halotherapy. The skin needs to be constantly nurtured with damp creams.
A nurse is the one who teaches patients (their parents or guardians) and provides psychological support that is very important for the course of chronic disease. Anxiety usually occurs as an pleasant emotional state of nervousness and discomfort. The task of the nurses is to provide support to the patients, to show understanding, to create a sense of trust and to encourage them to express their feelings and fears. Continuous training of staff and patients involved in atopic schools is needed, where in addition to new knowledge, they exchange opinions and experiences. Less
zdravstvena njega
atopijski dermatitis
djete (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
nursing care
atopic dermatitis
child (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:959840
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-23 07:32:31