Abstract | Uvod: Stres je od davnina pojam koji je uvriježen među populacijom, kako su se vremena mijenjala tako se i značenje stresa mijenjalo te je on danas poznat kao sastavni dio našeg života. Studenti kao posebna populacija posebno su osjetljivi na stres pa je tako i pojam akademskog stresa tema ovog rada i istraživanja.
Cilj: Glavni cilj istraživanja je ispitati i usporediti razinu stresa kod studenata Sveučilišnog odjela zdravstvenih studija
Metode: U ovom istraživanju ankete su ispunili 124 ispitanika. Ispitanici su studenti preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva, primaljstva, medicinsko-laboratorijske dijagnostike, radiološke tehnologije, fizioterapije, od prve do treće godine, obuhvaćajući oba spola, sve dobi. Mjerni instrumenti koji su se koristili u ovom istraživanju bili su: sociodemografski upitnik, skala percipiranog stresa (Perceived stress scale; Cohen S, Kamarck T, Mermelstein R; 1983.), indeks stresa kod studenata sestrinstva (Student nurse stress indeks; Jones MC, Johmston DW; 1999) te Covid-19 upitnik osmišljen za potrebe istraživanja.
Rezultati: Prosječan PSS-14 rezultat iznosio je 25,88 bodova sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 8,33. Prosječan ISSS-22 rezultat iznosio je 64,98 (SD=13,90) teorijskog raspona 22-110. Ukupni rezultat sadrži četiri subskale, prosječni rezultat kod akademske subskale iznosio je 23,07 (SD=4,17), kliničke subskale 18,86, subskale osobnih problema 10,18 te subskale unutarnje brige 21,67. Što se tiče uporabe upitnika Covid-19 prosječan rezultat iznosio je 22 boda sa prosječnim odstupanjem od 8,63 (teorijski raspon 10-50).
Zaključci: Utvrđeno je kako sociodemografska obilježja nisu utjecala na razinu stresa kod studenata SOZS-a te da su razina percepcije stresa i pandemija COVID-19 u korelaciji i to kada se učinak pandemije poveća za jednu jedinicu tako raste i razina stresa. Utvrđeno je kako pandemija COVID-19 utječe na percepciju i izvore stresa kod studenata sestrinstva, dok ostale varijable ne utječu. Razlika u percepciji stresa između studenata preddiplomskih studija SOZS-a nije utvrđena također povećanoj razini stresa kod studenata SOZS-a nisu doprinijela sociodemografska obilježja. Utvrđeno je kako se većim učincima pandemije COVID-19 može očekivati viša razina percipiranog stresa. |
Abstract (english) | Summary: Since ancient times, stress has been a concept that has become established among the population, as times have changed, so has the meaning of stress, and today it is known as an integral part of our lives. Students as a special population are especially sensitive to stress, so the concept of academic stress is the topic of this work and research.
Purpose: The main goal of the research is to examine and compare the level of stress among students of the University Department of Health Studies
Methods: In this research, 124 respondents filled out the surveys. The respondents are undergraduate students of nursing, midwifery, medical-laboratory diagnostics, radiological technology, physiotherapy, from the first to the third year, including both sexes, all ages. The measuring instruments used in this research were: sociodemographic questionnaire, Perceived stress scale (Cohen S, Kamarck T, Mermelstein R; 1983), stress index for nursing students (Student nurse stress index; Jones MC, Johmston DW; 1999) and the Covid-19 questionnaire designed for research purposes.
Results: The average PSS-14 score was 25.88 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 8.33. The average ISSS-22 score was 64.98 (SD=13.90) of the theoretical range of 22-110. The total score contains four subscales, the average score for the academic subscale was 23.07 (SD=4.17), the clinical subscale was 18.86, the personal problems subscale was 10.18, and the internal concern subscale was 21.67. Regarding the use of the Covid-19 questionnaire, the average score was 22 points with an average deviation of 8.63 (theoretical range 10-50).
Conclusion: It was determined that sociodemographic characteristics did not affect the level of stress among SOZS students and that the level of stress perception and the COVID-19 pandemic are correlated and that when the effect of the pandemic increases by one unit, the stress level also increases. It was determined that the COVID-19 pandemic affects the perception and sources of stress among nursing students, while other variables do not. The difference in the perception of stress between undergraduate students of SOZS was not determined, and sociodemographic characteristics did not contribute to the increased level of stress among SOZS students.
It has been established that a higher level of perceived stress can be expected due to the greater effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. |