Title Prednosti i mane organske prehrane
Title (english) Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Food
Author Ante Rakuljić
Mentor Ozren Polašek (mentor)
Committee member Ana Ćurković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iris Jerončić Tomić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ozren Polašek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Health Studies) Split
Defense date and country 2014-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Organska hrana je hrana proizvedena koristeći metode koje ne uključuju suvremene vještačke dodatke kao npr. pesticide i kemijska sredstva, ne sadrži genetski modificirane organizme i nije tretirana zračenjem, industrijskim rastvaračima ili kemijskim prehrambenim aditivima. Cilj ekološke poljoprivrede je proizvodnja hrane visoke kvalitete, koja će pridonijeti očuvanju ljudskog zdravlja, očuvanju i zaštiti okoliša te održavanju i povećanju plodnosti zemljišta, održavanje biološke raznolikosti ekosustava te smanjenje svih oblika onečišćenja koji mogu biti posljedica poljoprivredne proizvodnje i uzgoja životinja. Stoga treba biti svjestan da kupovinom proizvoda koji nose oznaku ekološkog proizvoda potrošači indirektno utječu na zaštitu i očuvanje okoliša. Zakon o ekološkoj proizvodnji i označavanju ekoloških proizvoda daje temelj za održivi razvoj ekološke proizvodnje, uz osiguravanje učinkovitog funkcioniranja tržišta, zaštite tržišnog natjecanja, osiguravanje povjerenja potrošača i zaštite interesa potrošača. Voće i povrće čini 40.5% cijelog tržišta za prodaju organske hrane. Ostale kategorije su: mlijeko, pakirana pripremljena hrana, napitci, kruh i žitarice, „zalogajna“ hrana , začini, meso, piletina i riba . Postoji nekoliko razloga zašto investirati u eko-hranu, kao npr. očuvanje okoliša, bolje zdravlje, veća nutritivna vrijednost organske hrane, bolji okus. Ekološka hrana je hrana u koju se isplati investirati zato što je zdrava.
Potrošači kupovinom proizvoda koji nose ovaj znak mogu biti sigurni da:
- je najmanje 95% sastojaka ovog proizvoda organskog porjekla
- se proizvod slaže sa propisima inspekcije koju ovi proizvodi prolaze
- sam proizvod dolazi direktno od proizvođača i da je zapakiran u propisanu ambalažu
- sadrži ime proizvodača, kod i tijelo koje je izvršilo inspekciju
Prednosti organske hrane su mnogobrojne. Među najvažnijim su da ne ispuštaju pesticide u okolinu, ne narušavaju eko sisteme, da je potrebna manja količina električne energije za proizvodnju hrane ted a je hrana bogatija nutrijentima od konvencionalno proizvedene hrane.
Nedostaci kod organske hrane je što mnogi proizvođači svoje proizvode označavaju pod kategoriju organska hrana iako to nisu. Još jedan od problema organske hrane je to što je skuplja od obične hrane i također su veći gubitci pri proizvodnji organske hrane.
Abstract (english) Organic food is food produced using methods that do not involve modern artificial additives such as pesticides and being chemically funds, does not contain genetically modified organisms and has not been treated by iradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. The aim of organic farming is the production of high quality food, which will help to preserve human health, preserve and protect the environment and maintain and increase soil fertility, maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem reducing all forms of pollution that may result from agricultural production and animal breeding. Therefore, one should be aware that by purchasing products that are labeled organic product consumers indirectly affect to protection and preservetion of the environment. Law on organic production and labeling of organic products provide the foundation for the sustainable development of organic farming, while ensuring the effective functioning of the market, competition, ensuring consumer confidence and protecting consumer interests. Fruits and vegetables makes 40,5% of the entire market for organic food. Other categories are: milk, packaged prepared foods, beverages, bread and cereals, spices, meat, chicken and fish. There are several reasons why to invest in eco-food such as enviromental protection, better health, higher nutritional value and it taste better. Organic food that is worth investing because it is healthy.
Consumers purchase products bearing this mark can be sure that:
- at least 95% of the ingredients of the organic origin
- the product agrees with the inspection regulations
- the product comes directly from the manufacturer and it is packaged in the prescribed packaging
- contains the name of the producer, in which the body is inspected
There is a lot of benefits of organic food. Among the most important are that no pesticides are discharged into the environment, do not disturb the eco systems that require smaller amounts of electricity to produce food ted and the food id richer in nutritients than conventionally produced food.
Deficiences in organic food is what many manufacturers mark their products under the category of organic food even thought it is not. Another problem is that organic food which is more expensive than ordinary food, and also the greater loss in the production of organic food.
organska hrana
prehrana (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Keywords (english)
organic food
nutrition (ključne riječi unio urednik)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:176:409698
Study programme Title: Nursing (university/undergraduate) Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-06-25 13:09:21